The foreign language education and Teacher Development Research Center was established in May 2016. Its members are more than 70 teachers from 10 departments of the foreign languages institute and the public English teaching department, including teachers in English, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and other languages and researchers in post-doctoral research mobile stations. The current director of the center is Professor Zhang Wenzhong, doctoral supervisor of the English Department, and the deputy director is Professor Han Lina of the public English teaching department.

The Research Center for foreign language education and teacher development focuses on the contents related to foreign language teaching and teacher development. The research fields of the members of the center include foreign language education and teaching concept and model research, foreign language curriculum research, textbook naming research, foreign language writing teaching research, foreign language vocabulary teaching research, second language acquisition research and foreign language teacher development research, ESP and EAP teaching research, etc.

The center continues to develop exchanges and cooperation with well-known universities and academic institutions at home and abroad, invites well-known scholars and experts at home and abroad to visit and give academic reports, and has successfully organized foreign language teaching experiment design workshops and research-based learning achievements. The center regularly holds academic seminars on empowerment teaching, which attracts teachers and students from dozens of universities and institutions, and has a wide impact in the English community. The center has established the WeChat official account of “empowerment and energy enhancement foreign language teaching”, which includes “teaching tips”, “help you select topics”, “Ideological and political elements used in the classroom”, “foreign language professional information” and so on, and the number of readers has exceeded 13000.

The center is an open academic research platform. Academic colleagues are welcome to pay attention to and participate in the research and academic activities of the center.