Students from School of Foreign Studies Win First Prize in Literature Group at 16th Casio Cup for Outstanding Master's Theses in Japanese Studies


On the afternoon of May 11th, the prize-giving ceremony for the 16th Casio Cup for Outstanding Master's Theses in Japanese Studies, organized by the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies and the China Japanese Education Association, and co-organized by Casio (China) Co., Ltd., was successfully held online and offline at the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies. Zhou Weiwei, a 2020 master's student in Japanese Language and Literature and now a 2023 doctoral student in the same field, won the first prize in the Literature Group for her thesis “Pinganwenxue Zhong De Hanghai Qiyuan Yanjiu" (“Study on Maritime Prayers in Heian Literature"), under the adviser of Professor Liu Yuzhen, who also won the Outstanding Adviser Award.

(Image Source: Beijing Center for Japanese Studies)

The Casio Cup for Outstanding Master's Theses in Japanese Studies was initiated in 2008 and has been successfully held for 16 sessions. It is currently the only nationwide master's thesis competition in the field of Japanese Language and Literature in China and has become a significant benchmark for many universities to measure the quality of their master's theses in Japanese studies. This year, the 16th competition received 102 entries from 54 universities across the country. The evaluation was divided into six professional groups: Language Group, Education Group, Literature Group, Culture Group, Regional Studies Group, and Translation Group. After rigorous anonymous appraisals, six first prizes, seven second prizes, fourteen third prizes, and twelve excellence prizes were selected.

In recent years, the Japanese Department of our college has achieved remarkable results in this competition, winning honors for four consecutive sessions, including the second prize in the Literature Group in the 14th and 15th competition, the first prize in the Literature Group, the second prize in the Language Group, and the excellent prize in the Culture Group in the 13th competition. The continuous prizes won by our Japanese Department are a full affirmation of the teaching achievements of our faculty and a result of their dedicated teaching and selfless dedication. We look forward to the Japanese Department of Nankai University achieving more excellent results in the future and cultivating more outstanding talents for the literary and cultural exchange and research between China and Japan.