Exhibition of Premier Zhou Enlai’s Youth Opens for 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between China and France


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the thematic exhibition, entitled “History Resonates with Friendship, Future Joins Hands to Draw Hope”, showcasing Premier Zhou Enlai’s youth, was officially opened at Nankai University on the afternoon of April 18th. The exhibition was jointly organized by the School of Foreign Studies at Nankai University and the Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial Hall. More than 30 representatives from Nankai University, including teachers and students, attended the event.

Premier Zhou Enlai’s youth thematic exhibition combines precious historical pictures and written materials to vividly display his life story from his birth in 1898 to his return to China from Europe to join the revolutions in 1924. Around the five subtopics, “Youth Determination,” “Seeking Truths,” “Ablution of the May Fourth Movement,” and “Road to Enlightenment,” the exhibition vividly portrays Premier Zhou Enlai’s life story from his birth in 1898 to his return from Europe to join the revolutionary movement in 1924. It systematically recounts Premier Zhou Enlai’s youthful struggles to explore ways to save the nation and the development of revolutionary ideas.

After the opening ceremony, representatives of teachers and students visited the exhibition together. They followed the footsteps of the docent, visited the struggles of Premier Zhou Enlai in his youthful days to seek the revolutionary truth, and appreciated the lofty spirit of the great proletarian revolutionary Premier Zhou Enlai.

In conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the docent also highlighted the journey of Premier Zhou Enlai, who went to France in November 1920 to study and learn from the experience of the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat in Europe and participated in the founding of the Paris Communist Group in search of a fundamental transformation of China’s path and the establishment of the belief in communism.

After watching the exhibition, students expressed their deep appreciation for the noble qualities and great style of Nankai University’s distinguished alumni, Premier Zhou Enlai. They aim to inherit the great man’s style, draw strength to progress, pursue, and align personal ideals closely with the future destiny of the motherland, and diligently hone excellent skills. Through practical experience, they aim to strengthen the country’s resolve, practice acts of service to the nation, and consistently empower the youth of Nankai with a vigorous attitude to realize the grand rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.