Seminar on the topic selection, writing, and publishing of academic papers in international journals held


On the evening of Dec. 17, 2023, Professor Dilin Liu from the University of Alabama was invited to visit the College and gave an inspiring lecture entitled "Topic Selection, Writing, and Publication of Academic Papers in International Journals" for teachers and students. The lecture was attended by over 40 teachers from the English, Translation, Japanese, Russian, French, Italian, and Portuguese Department and the Department of Foreign Languages for Non-majors. Visiting scholars, postgraduate students, and undergraduate students also participated in the meeting. It was hosted by Professor Li Min, Vice Dean of the College.

During the lecture, Professor Dilin Liu first gave a brief overview of the publication process of papers of international journals. Then, Professor Liu gave a detailed explanation of the topic selection, popular research areas of applied linguistics in recent years, common problems in paper writing, paper enhancement, and how to choose the appropriate international journals. Finally, he focused on how to respond to reviewers' comments and suggestions in submission revision by real cases.

In the Q&A, teachers and students had an in-depth exchange with Professor Liu on issues ranging from the journal selection of commonly taught and less commonly taught languages to common misunderstandings in responding to reviewers’ comments. Finally, Professor Liu motivated the participating teachers and students to follow the motto "Good effort leads to success", encouraging them to do research with the spirit of commitment and perseverance. He systematically reviewed the overall process of writing and publishing papers in international journals with his rich relevant experience. The participants said that the useful information gave them full inspiration.