The 6th Russian Theatre Festival of Nankai University Held Successfully


On the afternoon of Dec. 17, the 6th Russian Theatre Festival of Nankai University was successfully held in the College of Foreign Languages. Faculty and students of the Russian Department attended this event.

The Theatre Festival drew the curtains at 2:30 p.m. in the small auditorium of the university’s main building. The first to make an appearance were undergraduate students who performed a plot from the classic 12 Angry Men. More than ten students gave a brilliant performance of the jury debate based on their close cooperation and amazing line delivery.

Next was a wonderful performance of Nikolay Gogol's Dead Souls by 2023 master class. With fluent dialog, lively performance, elegant aristocratic costumes, and realistic scenes, they vividly acted out the comical meeting between the wily Chichikov and the miserly Manilov family, raising hearty laughs from the audience.

Next came the performances of Anna Karenina and the Russian animated film Little Gray Neck, staged by freshmen majored in Russian language.Their energetic performances showcased a very different Russian culture. Last on stage were the juniors who performedUncle Vanya. Despite the difficulty of the drama performance, they recreated the unique spirituality of Uncle Vanya.

After the performance, Professor Wang Lidan, the Director of the Russian Department, and foreign teachers Irina Boldonova andSergej Belikov made comments respectively. At this festival, Dead Souls won the first prize, Uncle Vanya and 12 Angry Men won the second prize, and Anna Karenina and Little Grey Neck won the third prize. Li Jincheng and Ling Chang, two undergraduate students, won Best Actor and Best Actress. Tan Tan, a master's student won the award for Best Cross-Casting Performance.