Centre for Translation Studies holds consultative meeting on the experiences in applying for research projects


In order to enhance the application of social science projects at our college, and to support the majority of teachers in successfully applying for the National Social Science Fund, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Fund, and other projects, as well as to facilitate academic exchanges and mutual understanding of experiences, and to improve the quality of project applications, the Centre for Translation Studies organized a consultative meeting for the exchange of experiences in applying for research projects.

On the afternoon of December 13, 2023, the Consultation Meeting for Experience Exchange and Consultation on the Declaration of Scientific Research Projects of the Research Centre for Translation Studies was successfully held. Despite the cold, windy, and snowy weather, our young teachers actively participated in the meeting, and nearly 20 teachers attended. Master's and doctoral students who are interested in project application also participated in the activity. The meeting was hosted by Professor Miao Ju, Director of the Centre. Keynote speeches were given by Associate Professors Lv Ying, Yang Lin, Gu Jiawei, Lei Haihua, and Wang Caixia.

The atmosphere at the meeting was warm and lively. Teachers with successful application experience enthusiastically shared their knowledge through personal experience, answered the questions raised by the participants seriously, and provided targeted analyses and guidance on common and individual challenges, development trends, and influential factors in the application process. During this meeting, the confidence and determination of young teachers to propose and complete high-level scientific research projects were strengthened, and all the participants felt greatly benefited.