Nankai University’s “Huiyu Cup Foreign Language +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition


The College of Foreign Languages held “Huiyu Cup Foreign Language +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Co-sponsored by Tianjin Development Zone Huayi Translation Co., Ltd., the competition recently concluded with final presentations brough by project teams after eight months of hard work.

Since the launch in April 2023, 21 projects were selected to the finals after preliminary evaluation by experts. The finals involve both on-site defense and project presentation. With cutting-edge concepts, professional skills, and concrete practice, the participants showed their unlimited possibilities of combining foreign languages with innovation and entrepreneurship.

Four projects were awarded the First Prize of the Innovation Group, including the “Report on Cultivating the International Communication Abilities of Students from Foreign Language Programs in the Context of New Liberal Arts” led by Zhao Xiaoyi and supervised by Professor Li Min of the English Department; “Research on Mutual Awareness of Chinese and Russian Cultures in the Era of Social Media— A Case Study of Short Video Platforms: Tiktok and VK” led by Zhang Yifan and supervised by Professor Zhao Chunmei of the Russian Department. The First Prize of the Entrepreneurship Group was awarded to “Everything Has a Spirit—Design of Bi-lingual Cultural and Creative “China Chic” Series Products Featuring the Divine Beasts from the Classic of Mountains and Seas” led by Que Mengping and supervised by Mr. Liu Junling of the School of Literature.

The event witnessed many excellent projects and outstanding teams. These projects cover all aspects of foreign language learning, such as language skills development, cross-cultural communication, and foreign language education technology. Thanks to their innovative approaches and unique perspectives, the participants provided new possibilities and impetus for foreign language learning. In addition, they made contributions to social development with efforts made in combining foreign language with innovation and entrepreneurship, through approaches such as developing new products, providing new services and expanding new markets.