Faculty Members Attend the 2023 National Conference on German Language Education and Testing


The German Language Branch of the Guiding Committee on University Foreign Language Education in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education convened the 2023 National Conference on German Language Education and Testing at Inner Mongolia University (IMU) from August 20 to August 23, 2023. The conference was undertaken by the university’s Foreign Language College. The theme of the conference was “Ideological and Political Teaching in University German Language Curriculum”. The conference was attended by members of the Guiding Committee on University Foreign Language Education in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education, German teacher representatives from nearly 40 universities nationwide, representatives from the Goethe Institute in Beijing, and staff from Higher Education Press, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Tongji University Press and Shanghai Yiwen Press.

At the opening ceremony on the 21, Vice President of IMU Eerhenbayaer delivered the welcoming speech. Speeches were also given by Li Manliang, Dean of the Foreign Language College of IMU, and Ms. Sabine Wilmes from the Goethe Institute in Beijing. Zhao Jin, the head of the German Language Branch of the Guiding Committee on University Foreign Language Education in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education, made a keynote speech titled “The Contents and Methods of Ideology and Political Teaching in University German Language Curriculum”. Based on a correct interpretation of the “Guidelines for the Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Institutions of Higher Learning” issued by the Ministry of Education, the report begins with the ideological and political teaching in foreign language education into that in German Language curriculum, thereby making a detailed analysis on the objectives, contents, design, methods, education resources, education evaluation and capacity of lecturers in the field of ideological and political teaching in German Language curriculum.

Representatives from the Goethe Institute (China) and publishing presses introduced their respective entities. Ms. Sabine Wilmes and the Director of the Division of German Language Teaching Cooperation, Ms. Vera Trojansky gave an overview of the work and results of the Goethe Institute in the previous year, and illustrated the work plan for 2023-2024, as well as the key training areas to focus on for the online and offline pedagogy for German teachers.

The conference also discussed the 2023-2024 training for university German teachers, as well as the subsequent work plans for the German Language Branch.

This is the first National Conference on German Language Education and Testing head since 2019, a testament to the determination of the German language teaching staff in universities across the country to deliver concrete results in ideological and political education. “The conference is a vivid example of quality ideological and political courses.” “We, the teachers should continue our learning and better understand China, so as to enable our students to tell China’s stories well.” “To better provide ideological and political courses, the teaching staff should first and foremost establish a correct understanding of our nation, history and culture.”

Prof. Liu Guanlong, who is in charge of the German Department of the College of Foreign Languages, attended the event, made detailed introductions on the status of ideological and political teaching in the German curriculum, and had widespread discussions with representatives from other universities and institutes, thereby expanding the College’s external exchanges and academic influence.