Members of the Foreign Language Drama Troupe Conduct a Field Investigation in Hejian to Build the Nankai Rural Work Stations


At the beginning of the summer vacation, a team of 10 students from the Foreign Language Drama Troupe of Nankai University went on a field investigation to Hejian, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province from June 26 to 29. The team was led by Cai Yintong, a non-faculty supervisor for the Mudan Academy of Nankai University and the executive president of the Branch of Foreign Languages of Nankai Alumni Association. The aim of the field investigation was to exchange experiences with secondary schools, enterprises and revolutionary education bases, promulgate the university’s history, and carry forward our revolutionary traditions and heritage.

Since the university held the planning meeting for building rural work stations featuring the Chinese path to modernization in early June, this was the second teacher-student field investigation team from the College of Foreign Languages to Hejian, which gave a solid boost to the settlement of a rural work station in Hejian.

On the morning of the 27th, the team arrived at Hejian No.1 High School for a sharing session on learning experiences and a short drama showcasing the university's history. Coming from different regions and being good at different subjects, students of the Hejian No. 1 High School are confronted with the realistic changes of new college entrance examination. To meet the requirements, the team explained learning methods and techniques for each subject specifically. There were lively discussions, interactions, and a high level of enthusiasm among the participants. The team patiently and earnestly answered questions, offering detailed guidance to their high school counterparts, providing motivation, and helping to foster expectations and aspirations for future university life.

The sharing session was followed by a history drama with the theme of National South-West Associated University, a school made up of Nankai University and others from the late 1930s to mid-1940s during the war. The story unfolds from the perspectives of Zhang Boling, Liu Wuji and Wu Dayou, representative figures in the university’s early days. The drama took the audience on a journey back to the difficult yet passionate days during the war, which was a vivid display of the university’s revolutionary heritage and its century-old history, and also strongly featured the university motto: Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, Aspiration for Progress with Each Passing Day. Not only it promulgated the university’s history, but also allowed the students to understand Nankai and pursue further study here. The event was well-received by the high school’s students and faculties and also received special coverage by local media Hejian Weekly.

On the afternoon of the 27th, the team first visited the Hejian Jizhong Martyrs Memorial Hall. From the vivid explanations made by the commentator, the students deeply felt that Hejian is a great land that was not short of heroic figures. Countless individuals here sacrificed their lives for today's peace, stability, and prosperity. Hejian has a rich revolutionary tradition and history and is firm in carrying forward the revolutionary tradition and heritage. This aligns perfectly with Nankai University's founding philosophy. The words of the guide were simple yet powerful, bringing everyone back to the turbulent revolutionary era and providing them with knowledge of the heroes from Hejian. The visit inspired the students to strengthen their dedication for China’s development.

The team then paid a visit to Hebei Hualun Cable Co., Ltd., whose chairman is Ma Ning, a Nankai alumni and the president of Hejian Chamber of Commerce for Young Entrepreneurs. Hejian has a strong industrial foundation, with four major advantageous industries including wire and cable. In recent years, the cable industry has integrated with the modern digital economy and other new technologies to form a traceable, information-oriented, and continuously upgrading industrial structure, showcasing the thriving development of Hejian's industrial sector in the new era. Alumni Ma not only provided transportation for team during their stay in Hejian but also warmly welcomed everyone to the company, introducing the company’s production and future development prospects.

The team also had a seminar with Hejian Chamber of Commerce for Young Entrepreneurs, which was also attended by local officials such as Ma Zengjiang, the deputy mayor responsible for education and cultural affairs; and Huai Shanglin, the secretary of the CPC Hejian Education and Health Committee and the director of Hejian Education and Sport Administration. There was a candid, enthusiastic, and amiable exchange at the seminar. The entrepreneurs provided students with answers to their questions, offering constructive advice on academic study and career planning, which greatly benefited the students. The officials also accompanied the students for dinner together.

On the 28th, the team met with students who were in their third year in middle school and had already completed the high school entrance examination at Beisitu Middle School in Zunzuzhuang Town, Hejian City. The team shared their learning experiences regarding the transition from middle school to high school and introduced the educational philosophy and history of Nankai University. Nankai students patiently answered the questions the middle school students had about their daily lives and academic challenges, cultivating their pursuit of further study at Nankai.

Over the next day and a half, the students worked together with the Junior 3 students from Beisitu Middle School for the rehearsal and performance of the play Southwest Associated University. Considering middle school students’ English proficiency due to the school’s inadequate teaching capacity, the team provided coaching sessions on pronunciation and word roots to help the students improve their spoken English, thereby subtly assisting them in grasping the basics of English and improving their study habits. At the same time, the students gained a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of Southwest Associated University through their personal involvement in the rehearsal process. They followed the footsteps of iconic figures such as Zhu Ziqing, Wen Yiduo, and Mei Yiqi, experiencing the challenging yet remarkable journey of Southwest Associated University and grasping the spirit of the university, ultimately cultivating positive ideals and beliefs.

The students made every effort in the rehearsal for a better performance and also had deep exchanges on their views. Eventually, the play was made possible thanks to collective efforts.

While in Zunzhuzhuang Town, the team also went to Huiyou Group, a leading local enterprise. They were given the opportunity to understand the trends and latest technologies of the cable industry, knowing that any industry must be courageous enough to make innovations so as to stay in a leading position. A trip to a museum on the company’s history also enabled them to understand the company’s past and corporate culture, as well as its missions and responsibilities.

At the seminar held at Huiyou Group, the team felt strongly about the rich and rewarding experience during this field trip and expressed hope for future opportunities to be back here for further study and in service of China’s modernization. Li Dongfu, the company’s executive president offered warm receptions to the field trip team.

During the field trip, executive president Cai was greeted by Wang Binlin, the secretary of Hejian Municipal CPC Committee; Wang Gang, the mayor of Hejian; and Ma Zengjiang, the deputy mayor. Both sides reached a consensus on promoting the cooperation between Nankai University and the local government in Hejian, and on building the rural work station. Secretary Wang, on behalf of the municipal authority, expressed full support for the establishment and operation of the rural work station and will look into the matter for cooperation, saying Nankai’s students are always welcome to visit Hejian and he may personally lead a team for a reciprocal visit to Nankai University someday.

Hejian, therefore, became one of the earliest sites of the work stations featuring Chinese path to modernization set up by Nankai University. It was made possible thanks to the high regard held by officials from both sides and the efforts made by local entrepreneurs and alumni. Meanwhile, Hejian saw the fastest progress in the establishment of rural work stations.

Experience is the teacher of all things. This field investigation not only allowed the team to gain an understanding of primary-level governance in rural areas and townships, but also showcased the pragmatic and hardworking spirit of contemporary Nankai students. The innovative foreign language theatrical performances brought the historical and cultural significance of Southwest Associated University and Nankai University to more people, facilitating two-way communication and effective exchanges between Hejian and Nankai University. This experience has not only greatly benefited the students, but also spread the spirit and ideals of Nankai University to a wider audience. In the future, the Foreign Language Drama Troupe will continue their exploration and practice with an inquisitive spirit in their in-depth investigation throughout China, the discovery of the Chinese spirit, the advocacy for the voice of the people, and the dedication to the call of the times. It is their goal to translate their accumulated knowledge and social observations into constructive opinions and initiatives, allowing them to achieve personal development at places where they are most needed, ultimately achieving the higher goals of field investigations.