College of Foreign Languages holds Mental Health Carnival


To innovate the mechanism of mental health education, consolidate the progress in this area, cultivate students’ self-respect, self-confidence, and positive attitudes, and create a vibrant and healthy campus atmosphere for mental well-being, the Center for Mental Health Education of Nankai University co-hosted the Mental Health Carnival with the University’s College of Foreign Languages. Nearly 500 students attended the event.

The Carnival takes the frontiers of psychological studies as the theoretical basis, and utilizes artistic forms for expression, to provide diversified experiences to the participants. Using multiple psychological techniques, the Carnival involves 4 themes and 15 games for students to personally experience emotional management, interpersonal relationships, positive attitude, and inner exploration. The combination of self-reflection and teamwork allows students to develop positive attitudes and behaviors, enhance mental well-being, foster a fine campus atmosphere for mental health education, inspire them to focus on the mental health of themselves and others, and also learn the ways to keep a positive attitude.

The students were able to let out their feelings, discuss their wishes, learn about mental health and ways to release stress, as well as the means for attending to the mental health for themselves and others through the diverse experience. Meanwhile, the firsthand experience brought positive energy to the students, helping to cultivate their self-respect, self-confidence, and healthy attitudes and to realize their personal values.

This carnival is part of the Mental Health Month Series Events of the College of Foreign Languages, aiming to encourage students to relax, explore themselves and tap into their potential for all-round development.