"Overseas Study Fund of College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University" launched


On April 28, He Jing, an alumnus of the Russian Department of the College of Foreign Languages in 2006, the founder of Yuzhong Jewelry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and the Deputy Secretary General of the Process Committee of Shanghai Jewelry Design Association, and Chen Jiayi, the Executive Director of Hangzhou Jia Foundation, jointly set up the "Overseas Study Fund of the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University" at the 139 Liangzheng Hall of the College. Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, Ma Hongqi and Li Min, Vice Dean, Zhao Guoqiang, Director of the Alumni Office, and Li Tianyi and Yang Rui, alums in Tianjin, as well as some students from the college, attended.

The "Overseas Study Fund of the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University" is mainly used to support full-time students of the College of Foreign Languages to participate in international exchanges. Students from financially disadvantaged families with a strong willingness to learn, innovative spirit, global perspective, and cooperative spirit are eligible to apply.

Dean Yan Guodong awarded the Honorary Certificate for the Initiation of the Overseas Study Fund Project to Alumni He Jing and the Jia Mutual Aid Foundation. In his speech, he expressed gratitude to the alumni He Jing and Jia Foundation for assisting in the development of the college. He mentioned that the College of Foreign Languages vigorously implements the strategy of "strengthening the institution with talents, revitalizing the institution with disciplines, improving quality, innovating scientific research, serving society, and promoting international development"; cultivating versatile talents with "foreign language expertise, humanistic literacy, international perspective, Chinese sentiment, and Nankai characteristics" among students. The increasing improvement of the college award and scholarship system is inseparable from the donations of alums, which has inspired more students from other universities to inherit and promote the excellent quality and academic attitude of Nankai. The "Overseas Study Fund of the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University" is highly consistent with the college's talent training objectives, and will promote and accelerate the pace of the "Double First-Class" discipline construction of the College of Foreign Languages. At the same time, the college will also rely on the platform of its Alumni Association to stimulate the enthusiasm of alums to participate in the construction and development of the college, and actively do a full range of outstanding global alum work.

He Jing introduced the importance of international exchange for career development and personal growth based on her academic experience, and therefore hopes to support more young students interested in international exchange. She said foreign language ability is the basis for expanding the career field. Thanks to the training at the College of Foreign Languages and the Russian Department, as a jewelry designer, international exchanges have increased my personal vision, which has critically impacted on the breadth and professionalism of my career development.

Chen Jiayi narrated the development process and philosophy of the Hangzhou Jia Foundation. The Jiaxue platform is open to all foundations and other public welfare organizations, hoping to share university resources with all sectors of society. The Jiaxue platform uses blockchain technology provided by Ant Financial Services Group to record all funding information and build a mutual trust mechanism.

Before the meeting, Sun Yi, Director of the Project Department of Nankai University Education Foundation, and Liu Yiqun, Senior Commissioner of the Project Department, attended the fund launch forum.

He Jing, Jeanne HO, is an independent jewelry designer, winner of Shanghai 2020 Jewelry Designer, Deputy Secretary General of the Process Committee of Shanghai Jewelry Design Association in 2021, and IGI Art Star in 2022. Professional experience: Gemologist and designer of IGI International Gemological Institute in 2013, the work Asymmetrical Vase, which Poly Auction Hong Kong auctioned in April 2018, was interviewed by Barzars Jewelry in June 2018, was awarded "Young Creative Design Talent" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in August 2018, was selected into the International Designer Arena of Hong Kong International Jewelry Show in December 2018, and was invited to appear in Mode Shanghai of Shanghai Fashion Week in March 2019, in 2020, she was listed on the April designer list of Barzars Jewelry. Her works have integrated the understanding of Chinese and Western culture and art for many years, including the perfect integration of Classicism and modern spirit, and the wonderful collision between Eastern tradition and Western culture and art. She is good at integrating bright-colored gemstones into Jewelry design, and her works are full of strange and magical fairy tale colors. Her inspiration comes from Chinese and Western literature, painting and architectural art, children's world, musical dramas, movies, and philosophy. The concept of Jewelry design expresses the view of the Earth's ethnic villages of China. Chinese and Western elements integrate. In her jewelry design, traditional Chinese elements combine with Western techniques and perspectives.