Nankai University successfully holds the online short video competition


Recently, the collection of online short video works with the theme of "Telling Chinese Stories in Foreign Languages", sponsored by the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee of Nankai University and undertaken by the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University, came to a successful conclusion. This activity aims to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the influence of the dissemination of Chinese civilization, showcase the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, and construct a Chinese discourse and narrative system. The activity has received active participation and strong support from a large number of teachers and students.

After the joint evaluation of teachers from the Public English Education Department of the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University, teachers of various languages and experts in the field of news media communication, two first prizes, three second prizes and four third prizes were finally selected. The entries cover two languages: English and Japanese. Among them, two outstanding works that won the first prize, "Breakfast Starts the Day" and "The Bloom of Tianji", were recommended to participate in the 2023 "Higher Education Press Cup" college students' "Telling Chinese Stories Well in Foreign Languages" excellent short video collection competition.

Guided by Shi Yu and Hou Jie, "Breakfast Starts the Day" by Liu Shujing from the School of Medicine, Yuan Menghan from the College of Pharmacy, and Wei Qiyuan from the Zhou Enlai School of Government tells the unique history and production process of breakfast in Tianjin, setting off the old Chinese saying "a day's plan comes in the morning" and becoming a suitable carrier for telling Chinese stories. "The Bloom of Tianjin", written by Hu Yaoyue and Dong Yanjun from the School of Finance, showcases the city's open and inclusive humanistic sentiments by documenting the daily lives of Tianjin's urban elites and ordinary neighborhoods. Other award-winning works cover hometown history, Chinese cuisine, and traditional Chinese culture.

The award-winning students expressed that this event is a rare opportunity for them to showcase their creative passion and youthful demeanor, while also enhancing their ability to tell Chinese stories well.