Mien Koizumi, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Japanese Embassy in China, and his delegation visits Nankai University


On the afternoon of April 13, 2023, Mr. Mien Koizumi, the Japanese Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in China, Ms. Ayako Maezawa, the Counselor, and Ms. Guo Chunling, the year-1990 graduate of our department, visited Nankai University and had friendly exchanges with representatives of teachers and students of the Japanese Department.

Professor Han Lihong, the Head of the Japanese language department, welcomed the visit of the envoy, counselor, and alumna. Vice Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor Wang Kai, introduced the development history and talent cultivation system of the college and the Japanese language major, emphasizing the vital role played by the Japanese language department in Sino-Japanese exchanges.

Under the title of "Looking Back on the History of Japan-China Exchanges", Minister Plenipotentiary Koizumi introduced the long history of China-Japan exchanges by explaining the origin of Japanese kimonos, the development of Wasei-kango, the hot sale of Chinese chestnuts in Tianjin and other vivid life examples, and discussed and exchanged with students on the economic cooperation, educational exchanges, modern and contemporary culture and other issues of concern between China and Japan.

Professor Wang Xinxin, Deputy Head of the Japanese Department, delivered a speech thanking China and Japan for resuming personnel exchanges and cultural exchanges as soon as possible after the epidemic.

This exchange activity not only comprehensively honed the international communication level of Japanese among the attending students, but also further stimulated the learning enthusiasm of Japanese major students. Everyone expressed the need to lay a solid foundation, consolidate language skills, improve humanistic cultivation, and make unremitting efforts to become a bridge for the new generation of Sino-Japanese communication, contributing to the strength of youth.

Before the symposium, Minister Mian Koizumi and his delegation visited the Nankai campus. They learned about the rich cultural heritage and patriotic tradition of Nankai University in detail.