The First Seminar on Sinology in Latin American and Caribbean Countries
successfully held at the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University


On April 11, 2023, the first “Seminar on Sinology (Chinese Studies) in Latin American and Caribbean Countries and the Midterm Report on the ‘Database of Contemporary Latin American Chinese Studies’” was successfully held at the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University. The seminar was hosted by the College of Foreign Languages and the Center for Regional and Country Studies of Nankai University, and co-organized by the Overseas Chinese Studies Department of the Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the China-European Center for Latin American Studies (CECLA). Professor Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, Director of the Center for Regional and Country Studies, Nankai University, Associate Researcher Zhang Deming, Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Studies Department, Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Researcher Guo Cunhai, Director of the Social and Cultural Studies Department, Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Lu Ying, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, Associate Professor Yang Lin, Deputy Director of the Center for Regional and Country Studies, Nankai University. Associate Professor Yang Lin attended the conference. Scholars from the Institute of Historical Theory of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Nankai University, University of International Business and Economics, Foreign Affairs Institute, Xi’an University of Foreign Studies, University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and University of Buenos Aires, Argentina participated in the conference and made special presentations.

In the warm atmosphere, Professor Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University and Director of the Regional and Country Studies Center of Nankai University, delivered an opening speech. First of all, Prof. Yan expressed his warm welcome to the participants and congratulated the conference. He pointed out that foreign language disciplines and overseas sinology research should be intertwined, and the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University now offers 10 majors in 9 languages. Nankai University has a long tradition and unique advantages in the field of overseas sinology research, and has become one of the most influential overseas sinology research centers at home and abroad. It has trained a large number of young and middle-aged scholars and master and doctoral students dedicated to related research. President Yan also said that there is still a problem of regional imbalance in sinology (Chinese studies) research in China, and the relevant results are mostly focused on European and American countries, while insufficient attention is paid to Latin America, Africa and other regions. Scholars should abandon the stereotype that “there is no Sinology in small countries” and give full consideration to the possibility that “there is no big Sinology, but there is also small Sinology”, so as to make Sinology (Chinese Studies) research more refined and special. The study of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies) should be carried out in detail, and should be “as delicate as it is vast”, highlighting the Latin American and national characteristics of the study, and refining the commonalities on the basis of perfecting individual studies.

Zhang Deming, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Studies Research Office of the Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, introduced the general situation of the Overseas Chinese Studies Research Office to the scholars. He pointed out that the Research Office focuses on overseas research on Chinese history, and will publish an internal journal Overseas Chinese History Research Update from 2023, and analyze and discuss important issues such as country-specific Sinology and regional Sinology. He pointed out that there is a shortage of people who are proficient in the language of the target country and who are capable of conducting sinology-related research. The foreign language talent training model of the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University is a useful attempt to solve this problem. In the future, he hopes to actively strengthen cooperation with the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University and other universities to jointly promote the development of overseas Chinese studies, including Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies).

Researcher Guo Cunhai, Director of the Social and Cultural Research Department of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, explained the academic and social value of doing a good job in the study of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies), taking into account the current national strategy and policy orientation, and the current situation of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies) research. He pointed out that the construction of the “Database of Contemporary Latin American Chinese Studies” is of great significance to the construction of the “China-Latin America Academic Community” and the enhancement of China’s academic discourse in Latin America. In addition, Researcher Guo Cunhai highly praised the organization of the symposium and advocated that the “Seminar on Sinology (Chinese Studies) in Latin American and Caribbean Countries” should be fixed in an institutionalized form and held regularly.

After the speech, a number of young and middle-aged scholars and student delegates discussed a number of topics, including the characteristics and prospects of Latin American Chinese studies, Latin American country-specific sinology (Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Cuba and the British Caribbean) and Chinese diaspora studies in Latin American sinology, Chinese Communist Party history studies, research on “Common Wealth” etc. Participants included Associate Professor Gong Yunjie from Nankai University, Associate Professor Zheng Haoyu and Associate Professor Wang Zigang from University of International Business and Economics, Associate Professor Hei Yuyu from Xi'an University of Foreign Studies, Dr. Yuan Yushu from Foreign Affairs Institute, Dr. Guo Xiaona from University of Buenos Aires, Postdoctoral Fellow Yang Xinxin from Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Associate Professor Zhao Yue from Chongqing College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs.

Finally, President Yan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all the participants and his great expectations for the future development of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies) research. The symposium came to a successful end amidst a strong academic atmosphere and warm applause.

This symposium invited many scholars of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies) to gather and discuss the academic. It is the first symposium on Sinology (Chinese Studies) in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a milestone step in the study of Latin American Sinology (Chinese Studies) in the domestic academic community.