Professor Jie Chunyu of City University of Hong Kong holds an online academic lecture for teachers and students of the College of Foreign Languages


On the evening of November 23, Professor Jie Chunyu, Director of the Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong, brought a wonderful online academic lecture to the teachers and students from the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University. The lecture was hosted by Professor Miao Ju, Director of the Translation Research Center of the College of Foreign Languages. The lecture was held through Tencent conference. More than 60 teachers and students attended the lecture online, and some postgraduate students attended the lecture offline in the Conference Room 205 of the college.

Before the lecture, Professor Miao Ju first introduced the background of the lecture and Professor Jie Chunyu’s academic achievements. By viewing the social practice of translation, the application of translation technology, different forms of translation products and the digital way of network communication become inevitable. The integration of knowledge in different disciplines has promoted the multidisciplinary development of translation studies. The relevance between terminology and translation is very important. As a computational linguist, Professor Jie Chunyu is a scholar who carried out research on Chinese information processing in the early 1980s. Professor Jie Chunyu is engaged in the teaching and research of computational linguistics, terminology and machine translation. He has rich educational background in colleges and universities at home and abroad. He has obtained many degrees in the field of computer and linguistics. His research interests include text mining, computational terminology, Chinese linguistics, psycholinguistics and poetics. He has published nearly 140 research papers in academic journals and has other editors. He is also a poet writing in Chinese.

The theme of the lecture is “Name, term, terminology and application”. Professor Jie Chunyu first introduced the history of terminological studies in China and western countries, and then pointed out the importance of terminology. A good translation is inseparable from a comprehensive grasp of terminology knowledge. Professor Jie Chunyu summarized the definition of terminology and the development of terminology research, explained the research fields related to terminology, including linguistics, lexicology, knowledge engineering, LSP, etc., demonstrated the direct correlation between these research fields and terminology research, reviewed the terminology theory of the Vienna Terminology School and Wüster’s theory of terminology, and laid a theoretical foundation for terminology. Finally, Professor Jie Chunyu described the source of computational terminology in detail, analyzed the theoretical categories such as automatic term recognition and the procedures of its operation process, and demonstrated the empirical research of computational terminology in combination with the case study of Li Bai and Du Fu’s poetry. Through this empirical study, Professor Jie Chunyu showed the research process of the practical application of computational terminology. Through the extraction of terms and the establishment of a terminology database for statistical analysis, the differences and similarities in the writing style, language features and theme ideas presented by Li Bai and Du Fu’s poems were vividly illustrated.

Professor Jie Chunyu’s lecture has a clear level, and the effective combination of theoretical discussion and technical tool operation has greatly benefited teachers and students. After the lecture, Professor Jie Chunyu had an online interaction and exchange with the teachers and students from other colleges, and patiently answered the questions raised by the students. Professor Miao Ju expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Professor Jie Chunyu for his lecture and looked forward to more academic exchanges between Professor Jie Chunyu and teachers and students from other universities in the future.

In order to further understand the content of Professor Jie Chunyu’s lecture, under the guidance of Professor Miao Ju, a special seminar on “Terminology research and development” was held in the morning of November 24 in Room 205. Students exchanged learning experience, put forward more research questions, and further discussed with Professor Jie Chunyu to strengthen academic exchanges. The questions raised in this research meeting mainly include “What measures should we take to achieve the standardization when we have different contexts?” “How can we apply computational terminology to machine translation?”