Lecture on “Reading with what you feel in life and living with what you get from reading” held in the College


In order to improve the level of humanities and professional ability of all students, guide all students to search materials efficiently and use library resources effectively, Ms. Zhu Jiayin from the Library Reader Service Department gave a lecture on the use of library resources to all undergraduates in the College of Foreign Languages with the theme of “Reading with what you feel in life and living with what you get from reading” in the afternoon of Nov. 10. All students attended the lecture simultaneously in the form of offline and online live broadcast.

Ms. Zhu Jiayin explained to the students in detail from five aspects: “Knowing the Library”, “Lending Service”, “Space Service”, “Research Support” and “Cultural Promotion”, so that freshmen can be familiar with the usage of the library in their daily study.

Ms. Zhu Jiayin gave an overview of the library’s construction, collection, development concept and function positioning, and showed the students the specific operation process of entering the library and making reservations. She introduced the resources and services of the library in detail and summarized the borrowing and returning methods and entrustment. She deepened the students’ understanding of the library through scenarios and motivated them to learn more about the library. Ms. Zhu Jiayin emphasized the convenience of the library’s training room, multimedia reading space and reading booth, and suggested students to participate in the “Lize” series of activities to share literature resources and exchange ideas and knowledge.

At last, Mr. Zhu Jiayin pointed out the idea of “reading enriches the mind” and encouraged freshmen to use the library resources actively, enter the library in a civilized manner and create a good reading and studying environment together. Responding to the questions like “How can I find a book quickly after searching?” “When the library doesn’t have the book you need, which service can you use to get it from other institutions?” “What is the brand of library culture and reading promotion activities?” Mr. Zhu Jiayin interacted with the students again in the form of quiz before the end of the lecture in an enthusiastic atmosphere, and the students said they benefited a lot.