Nankai University successfully holds the fifth Russian Drama Festival


On the evening of November 9, the fifth Russian Drama Festival of Nankai University was successfully held in the College of Foreign Languages. All teachers and students of the Russian Department participated in the activity.

Class 1 of 2022 undergraduate students brought the excerpt of Cherry Orchard from Chekhov’s play. They restored Chekhov’s last wonderful group play in the play with accurate walking and proper performance. The second play is the fairy tale Frog Princess brought by Russian Class 1, Grade 2020. The lively and bold performance of the students made the audience respond warmly. The third play is Gogol’s short story Nose performed by the Russian class of Grade 2021. The funny and humorous costumes, solid stage performances and exquisite background pictures seem to guide people back to the life of Petersburg in the 19th century.

The fourth play is Chekhov’s classic sketch Chameleon brought by postgraduates of Grade 2022. Four students left a deep impression on everyone with their superb acting skills and presented Chekhov’s artistic character in its original way. Finally, the students in Class 2, Grade 2022, selected Chekhov’s short story The Weak Man as the blueprint, adapted it and added their own understanding of the Russian social democratic revolution at that time.

Dean Prof Yan Guodong concluded that Nankai University has a hundred years of history of foreign language drama performance. The organic combination of drama and foreign language majors is a feature of the college. The Russian Drama Festival is a traditional program of Russian majors, and also an activity to test teaching and unite teachers and students in the department. I hope it can continue. Professor Wang Lidan, Director of the Russian Department, and foreign teachers Elina and Sergei made a summary and comment respectively.

Chameleon won the first prize of this drama festival, Nose and Frog Princess ranked the second prize, and Cherry Garden and Weak Man won the third prize respectively. Liu Jinxin of the 2021 undergraduate class and Nan Jingxian of the 2022 master class won the best actor and actress award respectively.