College of Foreign Languages successfully holds the experience sharing meeting for the application of social science projects


On January 5, 2023, the experience sharing meeting for the application of social science projects in the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University was successfully held. The college invited Professor Liu Yuzhen, Associate Professor Jiang Yundou, Dr. Yuan Si, Dr. Hou Dianfeng, and Dr. Li Lei to share their experience in the application of social science projects such as linguistics, literature, translation, regional and national, and Chinese academic translation. Nearly 70 people, including Professor Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, Professor Li Min, Vice Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, Professor Liu Ying, Director of the Center for Foreign Literature Research, Professor Han Lihong, Director of the Japanese Department, and Professor Zhang Zhizhong, Director of the Translation Department, attended the experience sharing meeting.

Professor Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, delivered an opening speech. Professor Yan Guodong encouraged all teachers to cherish time, work hard, broaden their horizons, carry out project selection in combination with national and academic needs, and encourage teachers to actively apply, wishing teachers good results in various project applications in 2023.

Professor Liu Yuzhen, taking the application for the Chinese Academic Translation Project as an example, shared with the participating teachers the matters needing attention and highlights when filling in the project document, and gave a detailed explanation of the steps and links of the project application, providing practical help and guidance for the teachers applying for such projects. Associate Professor Jiang Yundou, taking his rich experience in project application as an example, explained the logical connection between various topics, explained how his accumulation of small topics led to the development of ideas, thus promoting the application of large projects, and shared his experience on how to continuously expand project topics. Dr. Yuan Si pointed out that it is necessary to try more to apply for projects and not give up easily because of one failure. Dr. Yuan Si suggested that the doctoral thesis is a particularly valuable and important academic reserve. It can be continuously improved and enriched, and then can be used to apply for the later projects of the National Social Science Fund. Dr. Hou Dianfeng shared his experience in applying for projects from three perspectives of topic selection, demonstration and research basis. It also points out the key points of filling in the declaration form based on the difference between the new and the old declaration forms. Dr. Li Lei focused on sharing the whole process from topic selection to filling in the application form, analyzing how to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, highlighting her own advantages and innovation, and providing her own ideas on the selection of disciplines when filling in the project.

At the end, Professor Li Min, the Vice Dean, thanked the teachers for their selfless experience sharing, and called on the teachers to actively prepare for the application, start drafting early, often revise and have discussion on the application. He also shared his views on the differences between the projects of the National Social Sciences and the Ministry of Education, the relationship between large and small projects, and the format of the application.

Nearly 70 teachers from the College of Foreign Languages attended the experience sharing meeting. The participating teachers listened carefully to the experience sharing of all teachers and discussed their concerns during the application process after the meeting.