The College of Foreign Languages Actively Promotes the Institutionalization, Normalization and Long-Term Development of Academic Competitions


College of Foreign Languages has taken academic competition as an important starting point these years, constantly strengthened the policy design of the College, insisted on promoting learning and teaching through competition, and supported the College’s academic competition to achieve remarkable results through normalization, institutionalization and long-term construction. According to statistics, in 2021, a total of 75 people won national awards in national competitions, and 29 people won provincial awards. The awards reached a new high in consecutive years. 

Strengthen Policy Design and Institutionalize Academic Competition

The College attaches great importance to academic competitions, formulates the College’s implementation measures for the cultivation and guidance of students’ professional competition, and establishes the College-Major compounded system. With an integration of teaching, learning, practicing, and exercising, as well as the coverage of nine languages and ten majors, the system provides students with comprehensive guidance such as competition information recommendation, pre-competition selection, competition guidance, post competition summary and commendation. At the same time, the College has specially set up the “academic competition fund” and formulated the “Special Fund Support Plan for the Academic Competition of the College of Foreign Languages” to provide sufficient financial support for the contestants and instructors.

Build a Competition Platform and Promote the Normalization of Competition

The College organizes the campus tryouts and regional finals of national large-scale events such as the 21st Century English Speech Contest every year to build a competitive platform for language learners. At the same time, relying on student organizations and associations, the College also organizes English speech competitions, dubbing competitions, translation competitions and other events as self-training platforms. In order to create a competition atmosphere and give full play to the educational role, the College has been carrying out professional competition season in the spring every year since 2021. Under the leadership of the directors of all departments, and in combination with the characteristics of disciplines, the College has held academic competitions in various forms to provide students with stages and opportunities.

Strengthen the Reward Mechanism and Promote the Long-Term Work of Academic Competition

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers, the College includes the academic competition guidance into the teachers’ year-end performance evaluation. Through the improvement of the evaluation mechanism, the enthusiasm of teachers participating in the academic competition guidance can be stimulated. To inspire students, the College has made every effort to ensure that outstanding students participate in the competition. Meanwhile, getting awards in the academic competition season is taken as a fundamental condition for winning Hou Ying’s Scholarship. Such innovation of the awarding system also encourages students. The College also pays attention to the publicity and approval of the results of the academic competition. Every year, through the selection of outstanding students and awarding ceremonies held by the College, awarded students act as role models in participating in competitions .

In the future, College of Foreign Languages will continue to promote the institutionalization, normalization and long-term development of academic competition, give full play to its educational role and contribute to the cultivation of top-notch foreign language talents.