The College of Foreign Languages holds a contest of structured interview


In order to guide students to correctly understand, prepare and deal with the challenges brought by structured interviews, the Graduate Student Association of the College of Foreign Languages and the Career Development and Planning Center held an online structured interview contest, helping students to cultivate special skills for the national civil service examination, accurately retrieve their own shortcomings and take the first step in job-seeking preparation. The competition invited two senior lecturers, Hu Dongnan and Yang Zheng, from the Golden Institute as interview judges. The students participated actively, promoted learning through competitions and improved themselves in mock interviews.

This competition restored the real online interview scene of the national civil service examination so that the students could prepare for the actual examination. The topics covered three typical types of comprehensive analysis questions, organizational activity questions and problem-solving. In particular, the combination of comprehensive analysis questions and a recent social hot spot -- the phenomenal popularity of fitness live -- is very innovative. The judges made serious comments on each contestant’s performance and pointed out their common problems. They encouraged the students to find the right perspective, plan the layout reasonably, focus on practice and take the first step bravely based on diligent practice. They also gave specific analysis and guidance for different types of question.

In the end, Guo Jinmeng majoring in Japanese Language and Literature won the first prize in this competition. She said that this competition helped her discover her current shortcomings, clarify her own disadvantages in thinking and expression and pinpoint the direction for her future efforts.

It is reported that this structured interview contest was the closing event of the series of activities of the Month of Career Planning in the College of Foreign Languages. Assisted by professional institutions, this series of activities aimed to help students clarify their employment goals, enhance their employment skills and achieve higher-quality employment through a combination of lectures and exercises. Graduate Student Union and Career Development and Planning Center of the College of Foreign Languages will continue to carry out relevant activities based on the actual needs of the students, so as to escort the students’ job search.