Our college has won 8 outstanding projects for the 2022 Nankai University Undergraduate Innovative Research Plan


A few days ago, the outstanding project selection of the 2022 Nankai University Undergraduate Innovative Research Plan was announced. Our college won a total of 8 outstanding projects, achieving the best results in 20 years.

According to the “Administrative Measures for Undergraduate Innovative Scientific Research Programs of Nankai University”, the Academic Affairs Office organized the “National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program”, “Tianjin College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program” and the “Hundred Projects of Undergraduate Innovation and Research” for the completion of the expired applications. After expert review and school review, 545 items of the school passed the acceptance and were approved to be closed, including 31 items in our college.

After procedures such as college recommendation, school evaluation, on-campus publicity and objection reconsideration, 137 finalized projects were finally rated as “2022 Nankai University Undergraduate Innovative Research Outstanding Projects”, including one special prize. Our college won 1 of 19 first prizes, 1 of 30 second prizes, 2 of 39 third prizes as wee as 4 of 48 excellence awards.