The College of Foreign Languages’ “finding Jobs” is a competition of all time, while walking with the motherland” Employment and Entrepreneurship Month Series Activities have come to an end


Recently, the one-month-long series of activities of the College of Foreign Languages’ “finding Jobs” is a competition for the day and night, while walking with the motherland” Employment and Entrepreneurship Month Series Activities have come to an end. The events aimed to vigorously publicize national and local employment and entrepreneurship policies. The activities allowed students to better understand, familiarize with and make good use of relevant policies, fully enjoy the benefits and convenience brought by the policies and prepare for job hunting and employment, thereby further improving the quality of student employment.

This event includes three major sections, namely the series of articles about about“Knowing Employment Policy Early”, the series of sharing activities of “Experience from the Seniors -- Face-to-face with Outstanding Alumni” and the activity titled “Suddenly Flipped, Waiting for You to Come -- Special Training on Resume Interview Skills”. This event provides a full range of services for the publicity and implementation of employment and entrepreneurship policies in terms of policy publicity, typical sharing, and employment services.

During the series of articles about “Knowing Employment Policy Early”, the College’s Career Development and Career Planning Center widely publicized and accurately informed the students through the official account of the College of Foreign Languages. The articles have achieved full coverage of the three major policies of grassroots employment policy, self-employment policy and enlistment policy, with an in-depth interpretation of the three levels of national, municipal and school.

In the series of sharing activities of “Experience from the Seniors -- Face-to-face with Outstanding Alumni”, the college invited many outstanding alumni, including Wang Shuai, a selected graduate from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Li Zhongshan, a selected graduate from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Wang Mengxuan from the Central Editorial Office, Zhao Linying from Taxation Bureau of Guangxi District, Shenzhen, State Administration of Taxation, to share grassroots work experience, public exam preparation experience and interview skills. They answered in detail about the students’ confusion on policy understanding, job selection and career development. The event also invited Yan Zhicheng, the lecturer of the interview team of Jinshi Education, to set up a “Beneficial Interview Training Meeting for Selected Graduates and Civil Servants to help everyone better understand the interview and answering skills of provincial selected graduates and civil servants. He provides in-depth explanations of the two main forms of interviewing, structured interviews and leaderless group discussions. In the special session for college jobs, a number of alumni, such as Ma Xiaoqing, counselor of Hebei Institute of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Li Xuan, counselor of Tianjin Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College, Wang Shui of the Education Office of the College of Computer Science of the Nankai University and Zhang Shengze of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Hebei University of Technology, shared their job search process. Based on their work experience, they interpreted the job-seeking precautions for administrative positions in relevant colleges and universities.

In the activity titled “Suddenly Flipped, Waiting for You to Come -- Special Training on Resume Interview Skills”, the college invited Yang Chunfeng, a specially-appointed expert from the Gordon Education Career Development Institute, to give a lecture on “Job Interview Counseling and Resume Revision” in response to the students’ job-hunting needs. He provided resume guidance for the students and told interview secrets.

It is reported that the students actively paid attention to and enthusiastically participated in this series of activities, and the response was enthusiastic. The students expressed that the activities have given detailed employment-related policies, shared valuable employment experience and provided practical employment guidance, which can help everyone avoid detours and clarify goals. The activities are of great guiding significance. The Career Development and Career Planning Center of the College of Foreign Languages will continue to promote a work matrix combining employment policy publicity, sharing of outstanding alumni and employment guidance of famous teachers to escort students' career paths.