The College of Foreign Languages held the three-wide education seminar on “Educating Five Domains Simultaneously and Cultivating High-quality Foreign Language Talents”


On the morning of January 7th, the College of Foreign Languages held the three-wide education seminar on “Educating Five Domains Simultaneously and Cultivating High-quality Foreign Language Talents” and 2021-2022 school year first semester class tutor work summary meeting. Mu Xiangwang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Foreign Languages, Dean Yan Guodong, Vice Deans Ma Hongqi, Li Xia, Hu Jun, Wang Kai, Xiang Yu, and all undergraduate tutors, counselors, and cadres of party work and administration attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Xiang Yu, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of the college.

The seminar is divided into three parts: keynote speeches, group discussions, and group results reports. In the session of keynote speeches, Dean Yan Guodong, with the theme of “Educating Five Domains Simultaneously and Developing a High-level Foreign Language Talents Training System”, clarified the important role of the integration of five educational domains on students’ growth from the perspectives of college development, discipline construction, and talent training. Yan Guodong pointed out that the College of Foreign Languages has always adhered to the work idea of educating people with all members, all-round and whole process, and adhered to the talent training concept of “foreign language expertise, humanistic quality, international vision, Chinese affections and Nankai characteristics”. Under the background of ideological and political patterns, the college should continue to aim at and serve the needs of the country. He said that the faculty of the college should implement the concept of the three-wide education into management and services. The faculty should establish a long-term mechanism, guide students in terms of thoughts and emotions. Efforts will be made to cultivate outstanding students with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, occupy the talent resource highland and send foreign language talents with outstanding comprehensive qualities to the places where the motherland needs them most.

Afterwards, representatives of some outstanding professional teachers made typical speeches. Su Jianhua, a teacher of the Department of Translation, combined his work experience in the Confucius Institute in Brazil, from the perspective of cultivating an international perspective and telling Chinese stories well, expressed that the application of foreign language disciplines should focus on the overall situation and have a high-sighted view. Sun Lina, a teacher of the English Department, started with the differences between Chinese and Western education, and expounded that in the process of subject education, national awareness and cultural awareness should be enhanced, and students’ feelings of motherland should be cultivated. Starting from this major, Yang Lin, a teacher of the Italian Department, introduced the innovative exploration and practice of Italian majors in country studies through the characteristics of the subject and the achievements of education. Jiang Min, a teacher of the Russian Department, started from the work of class tutor, talked about his own education methods, and told everyone to care deeply about students based on understanding. Zhang Chen, a teacher of the English Department, has conducted in-depth research on students’ mental health education. She believes that students’ mental health has a great impact on foreign language learning, deserving more attention.

At the end of the keynote speeches, Wang Yin, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College, and Li Dongyuan, Director of the Undergraduate Teaching Office, respectively conducted detailed introduction to organizational education, practical education, psychological education, management education and service education from the perspectives of student work and teaching management. On behalf of the management cadres of the college, they expressed that they would further do a good job in student management, teacher-student services and other related work to help the development of the discipline.

In the group discussion sessions, the teachers were divided into four groups and discussed on the theme of “How to Stimulate the Vitality of the Top Ten Educational Platforms Such as Curriculum, Scientific Research, Practice, Culture, Network, Psychology, Management, Service, Funding and Organization. Starting from their own work reality, combined with professional characteristics, subject background, and students’ law of development, they conducted intense discussions on how to develop ideological and political courses, how to integrate the first and second classrooms, and how to innovate the education model. Different spark of thoughts collided.

After the group discussion, the group reports were presented. This session was presided over by Vice Dean Wang Kai, and the representatives of the class tutors of the four grades condensed, summarized and reported the discussion results of the groups. Wang Xinxin, the representative of the 2018 class tutors, said that the teachers in this group believe that the class tutors should take the initiative to reach the hearts of the students. At the same time they should cooperate sincerely with the tutors and teachers, communicate with each other and adhere to the whole process of cultivating students. Wang Lidan, the tutor representative of the 2019 class, proposed that third-year students are under a lot of academic pressure, and they should start career planning guidance from the lower grades. Teaching and scientific research should support each other, and scientific research should feed back into the classroom. The 2020 class tutor Zhao Chunmei spoke on behalf of the sophomore class tutors. She summarized the discussion results of the teachers in this group from the aspects of practical education, curriculum education, psychological education, cultural education, and online education, and proposed that students should be motivated to combine scientific research ability with practical application. The teachers should promote multi-dimensional collaborative classroom integration, actively and positively guide students and enhance endogenous motivation. Hui Chunping, the tutor of the 2021 class, said that the teachers in this group shared from the aspects of psychological education, scientific research and education. The tutors of the freshman class should pay attention to the individual students, have a mutual trust relationship with the students and teach students according to their aptitude. At the same time, the teachers should be familiar with academic principles, training programs and teaching plans, guiding students in a targeted manner.

At the end of the meeting, Mu Xiangwang, secretary of the party committee of the college, delivered a concluding speech. Mu Xiangwang first thanked the teachers for their hard work over the past year. Starting from the integration of recruitment and training, she mentioned that under the background of the ideological and political patterns, we should implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivate people, and strive to build the Four Beams and Eight Pillars of “Three-wide Education”. Mu Xiangwang said that the faculty of the college are the Four Beams that support the construction of the college, and the Eight Pillars are reflected in eight alignments, namely: alignment of direction, alignment of goals, alignment of tasks, alignment of paths, alignment of ideas, alignment of qualities, alignment of attitudes and alignment of rules. Facing the ever-changing social development requirements and the law of student growth, teachers should learn from each other, promote sharing and organically integrate ideological and political education with classroom teaching to further generate new kinetic energy, stimulate new vitality and create new advantages. Foreign language educators should pay attention to teaching by personal examples as well as verbal instructions, spread life-long learning and indifference to fame and fortune to students, and cultivate outstanding foreign language talents who are virtuous, ambitious, talented and responsible. In the development of the college, the integration of resources and innovative educational concepts should be regarded as the focus of the development of the discipline, and the strength of the entire college should be made to contribute to the overall improvement of students’ foreign language ability and serve the overall development of the country.

This seminar is not only a review of the previous work on the Three-wide Education of the College of Foreign Languages, but also an outlook for the next step. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents in the new era. We should cultivate, introduce and make good use of talents in an all-round way, and accelerate the construction of a world talent center and innovation highland. The college will continue to focus on the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, focusing on ideological guidance, forming a joint force for educating people, striving to exert the organization, leadership and creativity of foreign language ideological and political education.