The College of Foreign Languages Held the Award Ceremony of “Youth Model, Glory to the Academy”


On the afternoon of December 10, the annual award ceremony -- “Youth Model, Glory to the Academy” was held in the Tian Jiabing Concert Hall. Mu Xiangwang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Foreign Languages, Yan Guodong, Dean of the College, and Vice Deans Ma Hongqi and Li Xia, Hu Jun, Wang Kai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Dean Xiang Yu and other college leaders attended the ceremony. The ceremony opened in the solemn national anthem.

In the 2020-2021 Foreign Languages Academy Honor Award Ceremony, there are eight retired teachers and more than 30 teachers who have made outstanding contributions in ideological education, teaching, scientific research, and publicity. Also, 50 students and groups received commendations for their leading roles in ideological consciousness, foreign language expertise, voluntary practice, sports, literary and aesthetic education and network publicity.

Dean Yan Guodong congratulated the teachers and students at the ceremony, and paid high respects to the retired teachers of 2021. Subsequently, Yan Guodong took the talent training goals of the College of Foreign Languages – “foreign language expertise, humanistic literacy, international vision, Chinese sentiments, and Nankai characteristics” – as the thread, and summarized the outstanding achievements and outstanding contributions of teachers of the College in educating students. He expressed sincere congratulations and earnest expectations to the students being commended. He pointed out that in the face of major changes unseen in a century, the students of the College are shouldering the burden and mission of the times. He hoped that the students could guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard, and live up to the expectations of the times. Finally, Yan Guodong issued an initiative to all the teachers and students of the College, hoping that they can follow the models, learn from the examples, and answer the calls of history and the people.

Liu Yuzhen, the representative of the Ninth “Good Teacher and Helpful Friend” of Nankai University, gave a speech. He reviewed his 24 years of teaching in the College and said that he was very happy to witness the growth of the College. At the same time, Liu Yuzhen took Professor Huang Danian as an example to express his sincere love for the motherland and Nankai University.

Professor Dong Zhishan, on behalf of the “Good Teacher of the College”, gave a speech. She affectionately reviewed the experience of teaching in the College of Foreign Languages for more than 30 years, and of witnessing the gradual development of the College into one with ten departments and nine disciplines. She said that although she has left the teaching position, she would continue to follow the updates of the College. She hoped that the College would get better and better, and that the students can increase their skills and become useful persons and talents.

In the course of the ceremony, the students of each group presented diversified and rich achievements and talent shows on their respective expertise. Liang Song from the Teaching and Research Office brought a Peking Opera performance -- “Ode to Pear Blossom”.

At the end of the ceremony, Mu Xiangwang made a concluding speech. She said that the annual “Glory to the Academy” was to commend and encourage the teachers and students with models and examples. It was to encourage teachers to work hard to become students’ “good teachers and helpful friends”, Misters of the College, and cultivate outstanding talents of patriotism and innovation, encourage students to uphold the spirit of Nankai University, set up aspirations, strengthen true talents and work hard. Mu Xiangwang expressed her ardent expectations to the students, hoping that they can learn from their role models, take scientific research and serve the country as their own responsibility, seek truth from knowledge, practice true skills and strive to become newcomers undertaking the important task of the era. She hoped the students should learn from teachers, study philosophical thinking, the spirit of scientific research, learn to be open-minded, and achieve the “unity of knowledge and action” and fulfill the task of “knowing China and serving China”.

The College of Foreign Languages has always attached great importance to the exemplary and leading role of excellent examples and held various forms such as the annual award ceremony of “Youth Model, Glory to the Academy” to cultivate speakers of foreign languages with expertise, humanistic quality, international vision, Chinese sentiments, and Nankai characteristics, and youth with ideals, skills, and responsibilities.