Head of the German Department, Mr. Liu Guanlong, participated in the 2021 Annual Meeting of the German Teaching Guidance Subcommittee of the Foreign Language and Literature Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education


From October 29 to 31, the 2021 annual meeting of the German Teaching Guidance Subcommittee of the Foreign Language and Literature Teaching Guidance Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education was held online. The conference was organized by the German Department of Shanghai International Studies University. Professor Jiang Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai International Studies University, Vice President Professor Jia Wenjian, Chairman of the German Subcommittee of the Ministry of Education, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Ms. Sabine Wilmes, Vice President of the Beijing Branch of the Goethe-Institut (China), Ms. Ruth Schimanowski, Director of the Beijing Office of the DAAD, all members of the German Subcommittee of the German Teaching Steering Committee, as well as German leaders and experts and scholars from 112 universities across the country, and more than 100 representatives of major foreign language publishers participated this annual meeting.

The theme of this conference is “The Development Path of German Majors in the Context of New Liberal Arts”. The meeting was chaired by the members of the German subcommittee in turn. Professor Jia Wenjian from Beijing Foreign Studies University and Karin Benkelmann-Zhang from the Goethe-Institut gave the keynote speeches for the conference. Professor Li Yuan from Zhejiang University and Professor Chen Zhuangying from Shanghai International Studies University gave theme reports. During the meeting, experts and scholars conducted special reports, group discussions and summary reports on the theme of the annual meeting. In the special report and outlook section, Professor Kong Deming of Nanjing University and Dr. Yao Kou Kou of Beijing Foreign Studies University introduced the basic information of the 2021 PGG and PGH. In the concluding session of the conference, Professor Jia Wenjian, chairman of the German Subcommittee of the Foreign Experts Committee, fully affirmed the work of the German Subcommittee in 2021 and announced in advance the work plan of the German Subcommittee in 2022.

Mr. Liu Guanlong, the head of the German Department of our college, attended the conference and conducted extensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges with colleagues in the German community on the topic of “Ideological and Political Construction of German Majors in the Context of New Liberal Arts”, which deepened mutual understanding between peers, further broadened the thinking and vision of the ideological and political construction of the German Department of Nankai University.