Professor Fu Guangming of Capital Normal University Held Online Academic Lectures for Teachers and Students of the School of Foreign Languages


On September 15, 2021, Professor Fu Guangming, professor and doctoral supervisor of Capital Normal University, brought a wonderful online academic lecture “Shakespeare translation and its research” to the teachers and students of the school of foreign languages of Nankai University.

During the lecture, Professor Fu made detailed explanations and in-depth discussions on “the differences between the translation of Shakespeare’s plays and the original English works”, “the evolution of Shakespeare’s play versions”, “the study of translation is not equal to the study of Shakespeare’s plays”, “the comparison of different Chinese versions”, “the possibility of new translation of Shakespeare’s plays” and other issues. He believes that the study of Shakespeare’s plays should not be based on a certain translation, but on the basis of comparing and synthesizing different versions, and should be as close as possible to the “original Shakespeare” whose purpose is to perform on stage. Therefore, when translating and retranslating Shakespeare’s plays, the translator should also be deeply aware of the differences between different versions and versions, so as to push through the old and bring forth the new and create a new understanding. Professor Fu shared some of his experience and experience in translating the “annotated guide-book” of the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Taking the Merry Wives of Windsor as an example, he made a comparative study of the translations of Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu and Peng Jingxi, analyzed the differences and similarities between the versions and the “original taste of Shakespeare”, and opened up a new space for the retranslation of Shakespeare’s plays.

In the interactive session, Professor Zhang Zhizhong, director of the translation department and doctoral supervisor of our college, and Professor Liu Ying, doctoral supervisor of the English Department, exchanged and discussed the current situation and prospects of contemporary literary translation practice with Professor Fu online, and encouraged the participating students to “work hard” on the road of translation and cultivate “funny” translation purport at the same time. Subsequently, Professor Fu patiently and carefully answered the students’ questions and doubts, and shared his unique understanding of the relationship between translation theory and translation practice with his personal experience of translating Shakespeare’s plays for more than 10 years. At the same time, Professor Li Li, doctoral supervisor of the Department of English, associate professor Hui Chunping, deputy head of the Department of English, and other teachers, graduate students and undergraduates attended the lecture. The lecture ended successfully in a warm atmosphere.

Professor Fu is a famous writer and translator studied with Xiao Qian. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the school of foreign languages of Capital Normal University and a researcher of the foreign poetry research center of Capital Normal University. He is the author of Shakespeare’s Dramatic World, Shakespeare’s Comic World, The Black History of Shakespeare’s Drama: the Prototype Story of Shakespeare’s Drama, Shakespeare’s World of Historical Plays, Xiao Qian: Traveling without a Map, The True Colors of Scholars, The Literary World Is Like Jianghu, Lao She and the Fate of Modern Chinese Intellectuals, The Death of Lao She in Oral History, Walking Alone, etc. He has translated The Stories of Shakespeare’s Plays, the new annotated guidebook of the Complete Works of Shakespeare (18 published), Ancient Rhyme, My Fairy Tale Life: Andersen’s Autobiography; Compiled and Selected Works of Xiao Qian (10 volumes), Works of Lin Haiyin (5 Volumes), etc.