Telling Chinese Stories in Foreign Languages—— The College of Foreign Languages Successfully Held an English Dubbing Competition


On the afternoon of May 9, the final of the English Dubbing Competition co-sponsored by the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University and the Nankai Apex English Debating Society was successfully held in classroom 209 of the College of Foreign Languages. After online voting in the preliminary rounds, a total of ten teams (including individuals) entered the finals.

The theme of this competition is “Distribute the Voice of the World, Enhance the Soul of China”, and encourage contestants to select works that demonstrate the outstanding Chinese traditional culture and national spirit for dubbing, for example, “Mulan”, “Journey to the West”, “Kung Fu Panda”, “Big Fish & Begonia”, “White Snake”, “Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child” and so on. These works are radiated in the dubbing performances and secondary creations of the students. The individual contestant plays multiple roles and each character is vividly displayed. The team contestants divide the work properly, cooperate, and integrate into singing and other talent displays. It may be profound, humorous, touching, or full of passion. The dubbing performances are brilliant and immersive. In the end, after the judges scored and the audience voted, Shao Yu, an undergraduate of the French department of the class of 2020, won the championship.

Liu Yu, associate professor of the Translation Department of the College of Foreign Languages, Zi Xuemei, a teacher of the Public English Teaching Department, and Cui Liyue, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College of Foreign Languages and counselor respectively made comments and summaries. The judges and teachers highly affirmed the performance of the contestants and expressed their praise for the students’ language fluency, appeal, and expressiveness. At the same time, it was pointed out that in recent years, more and more outstanding Chinese cultural works have moved to an international perspective. In the new era, young people should establish cultural self-confidence, consciously shoulder the mission of inheriting Chinese culture and telling Chinese stories and make contributions to the Chinese cultural industry to go global.

It is reported that the English Dubbing Competition is one of the series of events of the 29th Foreign Language Festival of Nankai University and an important part of the college’s professional competition month. It aims to create a strong professional competition atmosphere, promote learning through competition, and play the role of competition in educating people at the same time. In the competition, it guides students to enhance their professional skills, establish cultural self-confidence, and consciously assume the mission of spreading the voice of China.