Researcher Ni Jianping from the Shanghai Institute of American Studies Visited the Cross-Culture Center of Nankai University


On the afternoon of May 21, 2021, Ni Jianping, the director of the Northeast Asia International Development and Cooperation Research Center of Dalian University of Technology and the researcher from the Shanghai Institute of American Studies, visited Nankai University and took a wonderful lecture entitled “The Tone of the Biden Administration’s China Policy and Its Impact” to more than 100 teachers and students in the 111 academic lecture hall of the College of Foreign Languages. Professor Yan Guodong, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages of Nankai University and Director of the Cross-Culture Center of Nankai University, attended and presided over the lecture.

In the lecture, Ni Jianping introduced important structural analysis methods in the study of international relations to teachers and students and proposed four structural indicators: First, whether China and the United States have a clear definition of the nature of bilateral relations, and whether there is a realistic judgment on the importance of bilateral relations. Secondly, the degree of mutual trust between China and the United States; thirdly, whether a relatively complete mechanism for handling bilateral relations has been established between China and the United States, and whether an effective system for handling bilateral relations has been established Guidelines. Finally, the degree of support of the people of China and the United States for the development of bilateral relations. Focusing on the above four indicators, Researcher Ni Jianping made a brilliant analysis and interpretation of the tone and trend of Sino-US bilateral relations through a large number of factual examples and survey data.

In the interactive communication session, students actively asked questions about Sino-US relations and other issues, and Mr. Ni gave detailed answers one by one. Researcher Ni Jianping also encourages students of NKU not only to study a single language, but to enrich their own horizons and become a compound talent that is needed for the development of the country, and to make their own contributions in the key course of national rejuvenation.

Finally, Associate Professor Hao Yunzhi, deputy director of the Cross-Culture Center, summarized the lecture and expressed sincere thanks to Researcher Ni Jianping for bringing a wonderful academic feast to the teachers and students of the College.