Teachers and students of the Research Center for East Asian Culture of the College of Foreign Languages Participated in Academic Webinar


Research Center for Japanese Studies was successfully held. The online seminar was sponsored by SOAS, University of London and the Research Center for East Asian Culture of college of foreign languages was invited. Wang Kai, Vice Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, hosted the seminar, and he introduced the purpose of this academic seminar and emphasized the importance of building a humanities-centered network of Japanese studies and talent training. Professor Liu Yuzhen, director of Research Center for East Asian Culture, delivered a speech themed Poems about Cherry Blossoms written by the First Minister of the Qing Dynasty in Japan and Japanese Scholars while Cui Xueting, a Ph.D. student made a speech about On the Formation of Lu Xun's Image in the Script <Shanghai Moon>——HISA SHI’s Creative Manuscript as the Center, and exchanged ideas with scholars participating in the seminar. This academic seminar has strengthened the academic exchanges between China, Britain and Japan, and promoted the interdisciplinary research of East Asian culture.

Since 2020, our college has established a cooperative relationship with the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London in teaching and academic exchanges, and officially launched the dual degree program of postgraduate  in September 2020. From November 10th to 11th, 2020, our college and the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London successfully held online academic seminars. According to the research field and the language, those seminars were divided into two parts: Japanese Studies and Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. This academic seminar was joined by the International  Research Center for Japanese Studies, which is famous for Japanese researches, which promoted the multi-field and interdisciplinary international exchanges of our college in Chinese, English, and Japanese.