The College of Foreign Languages Organized the "Youth Research" Project


In order to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, to comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s 7.2 important speech and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on youth and the Communist Youth League, and strengthen the ideological understanding and service consciousness of league cadres, and to start from the grassroots to solve practical problems for young people, the College of Foreign Languages continues to promote and deepen the Youth Research project. Through active investigations and inquiries, our college pays close attention to students' study and life, and guides them to develop in an all-round way.

Opinions are collected through multiple channels, and research project is normalized. By making full use of the official account of the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University and the online channels of Jinyun APP, our college collects opinions and suggestions in a timely manner. The WeChat official account has set up a special section To Speak For You, releases standardized questionnaires to facilitate students' feedback and suggestions, promotes the Youth Research Online System and uses the Youth research section of Jinyun APP to broaden feedback channels. Meanwhile, the strict time limit mechanism and student evaluation mechanism are used to strengthen question feedback and supervision and promote the standardization and routinization of the Youth Research Project.

The offline questionnaire survey highlights foreign languages and our own country. Focusing on the ideological status and the learning situation of students in the College of Foreign Languages, our college actively initiates offline intensive investigations. By using information technology to make thematic survey questionnaires, and relying on each class and league branch to carry out questionnaire survey activities covering all grades of the college, our college guides each class to elect student representatives through the holding of class meetings, collects general problems and suggestions, and effectively solves the needs of students through targeted programs and measures.

The face-to-face exchange of ideas among the leaders has yielded great results. With the holding of the 16th College Leaders Reception Day event of the College of Foreign Languages, leaders and student representatives exchanged their ideas, centering on various aspects such as study life and future plan, as well as the overall construction and development of the college and different majors. Through this activity, a platform for students to communicate with the college and the university was effectively built, and the dialogue between the college and students was broadened, which provided an important guarantee for securing the rights of students and helping students grow and become talents.

The research results are re-summarized, and the project is long-term. Our college endeavors to improve the publicity work of the Youth Research Project, focusing on the summary and report of work results, optimize the original online reporting method, transform To Speak for You into the college's remarkable tweet column, and summarize the results in the form of special topics. By innovatively carrying out the Face-to-face exchange among the youngsters offline symposium activities, we report the results to the student representatives in a timely manner, and listen to feedback and suggestions. Through the establishment of a special student representative work group, the students' ideological status and requirements are timely informed. Relying on the student representatives to closely contact young students, relevant content and work results can be conveyed, and a long-term research mechanism can be formed.

The College of Foreign Languages will continue this project, adhering to broaden the connection and service channels for young people, collect the needs, figure out the expectations of young people, and increase the intimacy between young people, so as to enhance the sense of belonging and identification of young people towards the college.