Scholarships for Education: students from the college of foreign languages talked in English about the mission and responsibilities of the new youth in the new era


The selection of the 4th Hou Ying Scholarship of Nankai University ended recently. Students applying for the scholarship expressed their ideas in English on the site of the assessment meeting on the topic A Nation Will Prosper Only When Its Young People Thrive combining their personal thoughts, professional knowledge, practice gains, and national conditions, and then talked about the mission and responsibility of being a new youth in the new era centering on the talent training goals of foreign language expertise, humanistic literacy, international vision, Chinese feelings, and Nankai characteristics.

Establish lofty ideals to make the youthhood colorful

In the description of the new youth in the new era, our students firmly believe that only by establishing lofty ideals can the value of youth be demonstrated. “Just like the sea weave in the ocean, every young person’s life makes echoes with the whole movement of community, and only when its young people thrive, a nation will see its prosperous future.” Liang Shunyi, a student majoring in French compares youth to sea waves, she claims that only by integrating every one into a community, can we show the value of youth and make it colorful.

Develop strong skills to demonstrate the youthfulness

The students of the College of Foreign Languages adhere to the unity of knowledge and action, and use their professional knowledge to devote themselves to social practice. Xu Xinying, majoring in translation, interacted with foreign student groups during the exchange abroad, integrated what she learned into cross-cultural exchange activities, and tried her best to tell Chinese stories and promote friendly exchanges. When I was exchanging in Australia, other students and professors were always willing to listen to me talking about China's progress and the Belt and Road Initiative, because China has risen as a major power, and I, a Chinese student, have a chance for my voice to be heard. Xu Xinying introduced the achievements of our country in recent years and the effectiveness of the Belt and Road to promote the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and China's image as a responsible and major power.

Shoulder the responsibilities to live up to the youth

Talking about future development and personal career planning, Wang Zhiyi, an English major, focused on education for poverty alleviation, saying China will prosper only when its young people thrive, and Chinese education will prosper only when its young teachers thrive. Feeling honored and excited, I could not wait to be a part of this great vision.  Being a teacher to educate people and taking on the important task of cultivating people is Wang Zhiyi's way of realizing the value of life and delivering his answer sheet as a youth.

It is reported that the Hou Ying Scholarship of Nankai University was jointly funded and established by alumni Zhou Haibing and Hou Ying to encourage Nankai students to innovate, practice, and actively devote themselves to academic research. This selection is composed of two major parts: written examination and evaluation. The written examination covers a comprehensive inspection of politics, economy, culture, history, geography, science and technology, humanities, law, language understanding, mathematical analysis, school history, professional translation, and use of English. Besides, the evaluation part consists of prepared English speeches, personal statements and talent displays, as well as second foreign ability displays. The selection meeting attracted a group of junior students to come to observe and emulate. They said that they have benefited a lot from listening to the theme speech in English and hope that they can also become models in the future and strive to become a youth with ideals, skills and responsibilities in the new era.