The 15th Liangyu Translation Scholarship of Nankai University was Awarded


On December 17, 2020, the 15th Liangyu Translation Scholarship Award Ceremony of Nankai University was held in Tian Jiabing Concert Hall. Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, presented the awards to the winners.

At the award ceremony, the host introduced the establishment and evaluation of the Liangyu Translation Scholarship, and announced the list of 15th award-winning students. Dean Yan Guodong came to the stage to shake hands and present awards to the three award-winning students, inspiring them to develop their skills and use the translation to tell Chinese stories and spread the voice of China.

Li Jiahao, an English major of 2018 undergraduates, delivered a speech as the award-winning representative. She first expressed her gratitude and respect for Mr. Zhao Xingmin's generous donations and outstanding achievements, and then shared her thoughts on translation learning and practice under the guidance of the seniors and teachers of the foreign institute in the past two years. She said that she will learn from the prominent seniors, and constantly improve her language and translation skills so that the voice of Nankai can be heard by our country and the voice of China heard by the world.

It is said that the Liangyu Translation Scholarship of Nankai University was donated by Mr. Zhao Xingmin, alumni of the English Department of the College of Foreign Languages in 1984, to reward outstanding students majoring in English and translation in the College of Foreign Languages in Nankai University. Since its establishment in 2007, 74 students have won this award.