Keynote Micro-Courses were Recorded by CFL to Help NKUers Studying abroad to Conduct Cross-cultural Communication During the Coronavirus Pandemic


“How can we illustrate the stories of fighting against the coronavirus pandemic in China better when we are asked frequently by the native people overseas?” “When talking about China, foreign classmates have some misunderstandings to China for the biased new they received. How should we do to let them know the authentic China?”

Recently, professor Hao Yunzhi, the head of English Department and deputy head of Nankai University Regional and National Research Center, has been invited to record serial micro-courses named “Fighting Against the Coronavirus Pandemic: To Tell the Stories in China Well within the Cross-Cultural Context” for the undergraduates and postgraduates of CFL who are studying abroad now. The courses are illustrated in the following five chapters: the definition of cross-cultural communication, know about the current attitudes of Western countries (USA) towards China and the base of their public opinion, the principle of cross-cultural communication during the coronavirus pandemic, the opportunities of civil communication between China and West, and the example of cross-cultural communication, with the intention of helping students studying overseas to carry out proper cross-cultural communication and elaborate the fighting legends against COVID-19 in China.

Wang Mingshen, a senior of CFL who is now taking the national study abroad program of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, USA, expresses that the pandemic is like a mirror, reflecting the political system, law system and public opinions of different countries. Bias and misunderstanding are easily formed unless cross-cultural communication is taken. The wonderful courses recorded by professor Hao enable me to understand better the reasons that lead to form the barriers of cross-cultural communication during the pandemic, to handle the problem that may occur during the cross-cultural communication of daily life more appropriately and to help me promote the vice from China and the stories about China in other countries.

It is known that the course has been listed as the “Studying Program for Improving Youth Leadership during the Pandemic” co-organized by NKU and China Construction Bank University (CCBU in short) and it will be live-streamed to the students of North China College of CCBU and students of CCBU, Tianjin.