The College of Foreign Languages holds the Sharing Session of the Internship Experience in International Organizations for the Graduates of 2021


In recent days, the college held the Sharing Session of the Internship Experience in International organizations for the Graduates of 2021 for the purpose of informing students of the employment picture, making career goals clear and increasing their aptitude for holding a post in the international organizations. Chen Zhengyu, graduates of 2017 and president of the NKUIO, gave a lecture to over 100 undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students.

In the session, Chen Zhengyu shared her personal experience in the international organization to the students. She first introduced the vision, members and the major institutions and the working languages of the UN and expounded the classification of the international civil servant and the entry to the international organizations. demonstrating the post and qualifications specifically for a particular major. Afterwards she emphasized the application procedures from two perspectives of school and nation. Namely on one hand, they should follow the notification posted by the NKUIO for timely applying and guidance; on the other hand, they need to inform themselves of the details about the designation programs for the international organizations sponsored by the CSC.   The resume and interview requirements were of the top concern for the students. She explained how to catch reviewers' eyes by showing the format of her personal resume, cover, letter, personal statement and examples of notable applicants. Besides, she called attention to the courtesy and appropriateness of the e=mails. When it came to the interview, she analyzed the requirements of self-introduction, interview questions and appearance and attitude using the knowledge of linguistics. For instance, verbs should be used to show what you had done and what difficulties you had overcome and what were the outcomes.

In the interaction session, Chen Zhenyu answered the questions and gave some specific advice. In the end, positive attitude and honest expressions were requisite for the employment while knowing the indomitable difficulties would be overcome with unswerving spirit. She ended the lecture with the citation of a student doing the internship in UNESCO based on Italy: Following one's heart, one will engage in the meaningful work through the available resources leading to the goals in the path with his powers.