Celebrating 100th anniversary of NKU: Professor Zhang Xiping was Invited to the Great Rostrum of 100th Anniversary of Nankai University


On September 27, Zhang Xiping, the chairman of China Academic Union on Overseas Sinology of Chinese Comparative Literature Association and the professor from Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), came to the Great Rostrum of 100th Anniversary of Nankai University and delivered a keynote lecture “A Glimpse on the Methodology of the spread and research of Chinese Classics in Western Countries” at the lecture hall in CFL.

Professor Yan Guodong, the dean of CFL and the head of Regional and National Research Center of Nankai University, hosted the lecture and granted professor Zhang Xiping with the plaque of “Lecturer of the Great Rostrum of 100th Anniversary of NKU”.

Professor Zhang detected the methodology from the following five aspects: history, document, language, knowledge and method, guiding the audience to understand and discover the knowledge, quality and methodology required during the process of the external spread of Chinese classics. Starting from the perspective of history, professor Zhang agreed with the concept of “keeping on telling” purposed by professor Feng Youlan, emphasizing that history is the fundament of liberal arts. Speaking of document, professor Zhang believed that sinological document written in foreign languages are full of complexity, as Bibliotheca Sinica written by French sinologist Caudi and Bibliography of Western Sinology written by Mr. Yuan Tongli, such basic bibliographies still need to be reorganized and improved. As for language level, professor Zhang pointed out that the conceptual and logical transformation between Chinese and Western language deserved attention, so as the importance of Chinese. When professor Zhang mentioned the aspect of knowledge, he thought that the cultivation of interdisciplinary knowledge was the fundamental requirement for the researcher. As the methodology, he stated that an interculturally comparative perspective is necessary.

Out profound knowledge and humorous speaking, professor Zhang presented a marvelous academic lecture for the teachers and students in NKU with his vision, reading and experience. The concept of “academic research needs to serve the public” purposed by professor Zhang highly matches the spirit of “dedication to public interests” in NKU. At the beginning of the lecture, professor spoke highly of the disciplinary construction and overseas sinology study in CFL of NKU. NKUers are supposed to continuously promote the spirit of “devotion to one career instead of wasting life” and never let the predecessor down.

Professor Zhang Xiping, doctoral supervisor, Chief Scholar and Dean of International Chinese Culture Studies Collaborative Innovation Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). Also honor Director at the International Institute of Chinese Studies BFSU, and chief editor of International Sinology. As vice-chairman of the International Confucian Association, Chairman of Chinese Educational History in the World, Chairman of International Association of Chinese Culture Studies, Board member to Chinese Religious Studies Association and Comparative Studies Association, professor Zhang is granted the Speicial Expat by the State Council of PRC.

Professor Zhang specializes in the field of studies on philosophy, Sino-Western cultural history between 1500-1800, history of Sinology and history of Christianity in China. In recent year, more focus has been given to the early sinology in Europe, and the history of introduction of Chinese cultures to Europe. Now he is undertaking a key research project on “Chinese Catholic Documents at Vatican Library” sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation, and a key project on “Chinese Ancient Cultures in the Europe” sponsored by the Ministry of Education. Professor Zhang’s publication includes 11 monographs and more than a hundred academic papers in the core academic journals.