Teams of Social Investigation and Practice from CFL Devote Their Youth to China


Since this summer, CFL has sent 27 teams to the world to carry out social investigation and practice, among which 13 teams are composed by teachers and students together. Students from CFL have left a wide scale of traces on the earth, from Heilongjiang Province to Guangdong Province, from Italy to Japan. During their investigation and practice, the team members worked proactively to do the researches based on the current urgency such as the revitalization of Chinese countryside, with the focus on the overall development of China, in order to show the excellent virtue of NKer and the vigor of Chinese youth and give their most sincere wishes to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Making a unique contribution and enabling the world to hear the voice from NKU

This year, CFL has sent 6 teams to carry out oversea social investigation and practice in Swiss, Italy, Japan, Germany, and Russia, so as to foster the talents who can meet the demand of national key strategy with international vision, to fully demonstrate the ethos of NKU and the strength of Chinese on the global stage as NKers, and to show the characteristics of CFL.

The teams which headed to Swiss and Italy paid visits to the headquarter of the United Nations, the headquarters of the International Labor Organization, and the headquarter of the World Health Organization in Swiss. They directly conversed with couples of officers from the UN and interviewed the alumnus of NKU who worked in the ILO intensively, accurately recognizing the trend of development both at home and abroad from a multi-layered vision. In Italy, they were actively involved in the lectures and discussions held by the International Training Center of the United Nations, making innovative progress and courageous speech. They also participate in the festival of Chinese culture held by the center, presenting the special charm of Chinese culture to the whole world.

When they return, their social morality in regard of patriotism and public devotion and their capability of serving society will be gradually enhanced through these social investigation and practice. Young people are required to shoulder the responsibility of guiding the development of world. NKers are required to shoulder the great mission of the rejuvenation of China.

Survey on the trace of reforms and Investigation of the path of development

This summer, several of teams were sent to Pearl River Delta Region in Guangdong Province to conduct social investigation and practice themed by the transformation and development of rural and urban areas.

The team members visited some representative enterprises belonging to different industry respectively, such as Guangzhou Innovation Concrete Company, Baojie Precision Machinery Company, the branch company of NetEase in Guangzhou, and made an analysis on the current industrial development. The team set their focuses on the tough transformation of traditional industries in Guangzhou which once took the lead in the Reform and Opening-up and the urgent situation of high-tech industries whose capacity of innovation needs to be improved in order to have more precise and clearer recognition on what China dream is and how it can be achieved. Besides making a survey on the developing pattern of city, the team arrived at Guzhen town as well, which is dubbed as “the town of lights”, to discover the developing pattern of countryside.

Through investigation and practice, the team is deeply impressed by the development and transformation made by the Reform and Opening-up in the last 40 years and know more about the necessity of adhering to innovation in industrial transformation.

Communist Party member supports the governance at the community level as NKers stepped to the southwestern area in China.

This August, named “The summer social investigation and practice team of the Communist Party League of CLF of NKU heading to Bazhong City, Sichuang Province”, the team is composed by Communist Party members and the applicants for Party membership in CFL. They implemented social practices in terms of temporary post in local government, survey on poverty alleviation, and survey on red culture.

After they had arrived the work place, the team made by Communist Party members and the applicants for Party membership got accustomed to the local life quickly and concentrated on their temporary posts, carrying out investigation weekly to the local village and knowing more information about the current situation of impoverished families and the implementation of poverty alleviation policy. Besides, they were actively involved in various kinds of social investigations on poverty alleviation, giving constructive suggestions to peasant family and the work of local government and supports to the construction of industrial poverty alleviation and the development of enterprises. The team also reached those impoverished families, by a variety of means, to closely combine poverty alleviation with ambition alleviation and education alleviation. Based on the actual condition, they team gave impetus to bring a decisive victory to the critical battle of poverty alleviation from the point of view as the young in the new era and built a base of “supporting rural revitalization” there.

The social investigation and practice enable the team members to achieve their own values and dreams within the field of working at the primary level, to devote themselves to the public and China and to help to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.