“Zhao Wei Scholarship” Set by Reputable Alumnus was Issued in CFL


On the morning of September 10, the initial awarding ceremony of “Zhao Wei Scholarship” was held in CFL of NKU. The founder of the scholarship is Mr. Zhao Wei, the alumnus enrolled in 1979, who majored in Japanese in former Foreign Language department of CFL of NKU. Mr.Zhao is now a professor and Ph.D. and post-Ph.D. supervisor in China University of Political Science and Law, the head of Global Law Issue Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, the initiator of “Law Popularity Circulation in China”, the officer and deputy head of Legislation Expert Committee of Xiongan New Area. Meanwhile, he is also the ambassador of the 100th Anniversary of Nankai University, the councilor and president of Nankai Alumni Association of Foreign Language and Literature, the director of Nankai Alumni Association of Entrepreneur.

 Zou Yujie, the secretary of the Communist Party Committee of CFL, Yan Guodong, the dean of CFL, Jiao Yanting, Ma Hongqi, Wang Kai and Xiang Yu, the deputy deans, Han Lihong, the head of Japanese Department and 5 awarded undergraduates presented the ceremony. Dean Yan Guodong expressed his sincere appreciation to Mr.Zhao as he had set up scholarship to reward those outstanding undergraduates who learn Japanese in CFL. The representative of the awarded addressed that he would set Mr.Zhao as an example in his ongoing life and study, cultivate himself to meet the motto of NKU, and become a capable NKer who has a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical grounding.