Teachers and Students from the Department of Italy of the NKU offer interpretation services for the 2019 Sino-Italian SME Economic and Trade Cooperation Matchmaking Conference


The 2019 Sino-Italian SME Economic and Trade Cooperation Matchmaking Conference was held in Tianjin from September 25th to 27th. Six Italian undergraduates and one of their teachers from the College of Foreign Languages of the NKU offered interpreting services for the conference.

Co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the Tianjin Municipal Government, the Italian Deposit and Loan Bank, and the Bank of China, The conference aims to jointly make progress in the “Belt and Road” Initiative by putting what the leaders of China and Italy agree on into effect, building a bridge of communication and cooperation for the SMEs of both sides, bring a new driver for the Sino-Italian economic and trade cooperation.

248 SMEs from China and Italy carried out nearly 300 rounds of negotiations. The participating companies covered five major industries: food, agricultural machinery, industrial machinery, auto parts and medical equipment. Teachers and students from the NKU provided interpreting services for some companies like Ufi Filters Spa, CARLIEUKLIMA SRL, GWA Law Tax Accounting, FM Consulting, Baker Mckenie, Sace, Simest, Bank of China Milan Branch, making great contribution to the negotiations of Chinese and Italian companies. These companies focused on manufacturing of machinery and parts, thermal regulating systems, filtration systems, thermal management systems, legal affairs, tax, consulting, import and export financial services, etc. The negotiations in enterprises of both parties were a sucess.

This kind of conference offers an exciting opportunity for students to put the knowledge acquired in school into practice. The participation in the conference allows the students to get a general picture of Sino-Italian economic and trade cooperation and a real experience of how to do the business interpretation. The interpreting experience tested where the students have reaches and weighed on them thinking about their next step and inspiration for their next goal. The students who participated in the internship said that they would work hard to improve their proficiency and become a well-rounded citizen and be part of Nankai's efforts to contribute to the exchanges and cooperation in all sectors at home and abroad.