1965 Alumni from the Department of English Represented by Zhou Xingjun Granted Hundreds of Chinese Classics to the NKU


On the afternoon of September 4th, the domination ceremony of Chinese classics by alumni was held in Liangzheng Hall of the CFL.

The participants were Zou Yujie, secretary of the Party Committee of the college; Yan Guodong, president of the college; Chang Yaoxin adn Jiang Huashang, professors of the college; Shen Liyan, president of the College of Liberal Arts; and Wang Juanping, deputy librarian of the NKU Library. Ma Hongqi, vice-president of the CFL, hosted the ceremony.

Zhou Xingjun, 1965 alumni from the Department of English and the former general manager and editor-in-chief of Thread-Binding Books Publishing House, Zeng Ershuformer librarian of China Politics and Law University Library, Li Yixiong and Zhao Conglin, professor and former vice-president of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Xie Junping, former ambassador of China to the Republic of Estonia, and Zhang Shengjie, 1965 alumni from the Department of Chinese Literature made one-hundred-li drive to grant the books to the NKU.

Welcoming the 100th Anniversary of the NKU, Zhou Xxingjun and other alumni granted hundreds of Chinese Classics such as the Siku Quanshu, the Thirteen Classics Primary Education, Tripitaka Sand, the Completed Gallery of Chinese Paintings to the NKU Library; the thread binding version: the Thirteen Classics of Sinology, Selected Works of Mao Tse-dong, Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Selected Works of Jiang Zemin to the CFL; silk version: Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection, Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival to the College of Liberal arts.

Afterwards, Yan Guodong delivered warm remarks. He not only expressed his gratitude to the caring alumni for the donation of precious Chinese classics, but also hoped them to come back the Alma Mater on October 17th and witness the historical event.