The Alumni Association of NKU in Spain Donated Piles of Books to the College of Foreign Languages


On April 12th, the book donation ceremony was held in 139 Liangzheng Hall in the College of Foreign Languages. Nie Min, who was admitted into the Chemistry Department in 1994 and now is the secretary of the Alumni Association in Spain, along with Liu Shaodong, who was admitted into the Electronic Department in the same year and now is the director of the Alumni Association in Spain, attended the ceremony and donated over 50 books written in Spanish on behalf of the Alumni Association in Spain. Present at the meeting were Gu Jiawei, director of the Department of Spanish, Portuguese, Italy and Arabic, some Spanish teachers like Xiaoyin, Li Xinghua, Liu Zishu, and Gong Yunjie, and some students majoring in Spanish.

On behalf of the College of Foreign Languages, Gu Jiawei accepted the books and awarded the donation certificate to the Alumni Association in Spain. She delivered a warm speech to welcome the two alumni and expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the alumni of the Alumni Association in Spain for donating books to help develop the Spanish discipline of NKU. The books cover textbooks, simple reading materials, and brochures as well as other textbooks concerning history, philology, biology, etc. Written in Spanish, they are of great varieties and of great value in the teaching. Mrs. Nie promised that the Alumni Association in Spain would contribute more books in the future if they were needed in further teaching.

After the donation ceremony, a lecture was held for Mrs. Nie and Mr. Liu to communicate with the teachers and students, in which they introduced the prospects of the Spanish major, the members of the Alumni Association in Spain, and what life in Spain was like. Gu Jiawei introduced the history and performance of the Spanish department, the modes of cultivating students, the overall situations of Spanish major in different universities across China and the Spanish projects aimed at all NKU students. She further conveyed the hope that the interactions with the Alumni Association in Spain should be strengthened to contribute to the centenary anniversary of NKU!