Foreign Languages Carnival Has Been Successfully Celebrated --Themed With “Share Glory with Our One-Century-Old Nankai University”


On March 23rd, the Foreign Languages Carnival, which was themed with “Share Glory with Our One-Century-Old Nankai University”, was successfully celebrated on Dazhong Road in the Balitai campus. On that very day, it attracted crowds of Chinese and foreign teachers and students from NKU as well as those people outside our campus. They enthusiastically participated in tens of colorful activities ranging from culture experience, foreign food taste, and puzzle gamproes.

The carnival was held in the form of a garden party with the fixed theme mentioned-above. Ten exhibition booths concerning China, America, Japan, and many other countries, were set up to provide their typical and famous local cuisines for the audience to taste. In addition, puzzle games about different countries’ cultures were organized to make it possible for all visitors to experience the languages, customs, and cultures of those countries as well as the coordination and confrontations between the western and eastern cultures. The language teaching activities also provide opportunities for the participants to appreciate those cultures of different countries from the perspective of foreign languages. Moreover, a series of activities named “highlights of various countries” were organized to display the essence of different countries around the world. All the activities have shown the youth and vitality of all NUK students.

The carnival is part of NKU’s brand campus culture activity—Foreign Language Festival, which combines “academy” and “culture” in a harmonious way. In the past 27 years, it has developed smoothly and served as an important platform to present different languages and cultures, to train students’ abilities, to strengthen their cultural consciousness and self-confidence and to broaden their international outlook.