Micro video “One minute in the CFL” for academic discipline building


To celebrate the founding of Nankai University alumni association for the Foreign language and literature and promote the recruitment of recommended students for direct admission, CFL filmed a micro video--One minute in the CFL-- to show the public a picture of the study style and mental outlook of the CFL. It was a record of the minutes of the study and life of the teachers and students in CFL.

With the slow flow of sweet music, episodes of the crowd at the gate of CFL, classrooms full of students reading and talking flashed before your eyes. The outbreak of the dawn started with a brisk sound of reading. In one minute, 29 students crowed into CFL for the morning reading. Another minute, 7 different languages were heard spontaneously, with their distinctive feature shattered in every corner of the college. In the dim light of evening, 5 words were uttered; 20 times of apical trill pronounced; one foreign poem recited and the training of 341 meters proceeded. The enthusiasm for the study and life in NKer, a true expression of school students, recalled alumnus of their prime youth in Nankai University and will keep them to go further. Every sole minute is assuredly the implication of the motto of Nankai University--”never cease to change”. Each day, Students meet, know and learn in a different way to be a different one.

“One minute in CFL”were borrowed from “one minute in Tianjin”. The video is released in the mp.weixin.com with the video script written by teachers and students, the video filmed by the students, written scripts provided by alumnus. The first time to film a micro video with new media and new technology was a good way to strengthen the competitiveness of the discipline, secure the close tie among students, alumnus and the college. As a consequence, all the efforts would make the college more attractive and appealing.

It was reported that the video was awarded the Notable Entry Award for micro video of“the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening up-Stand Here in Tianjin. And it was used for the publicity of the recommended students enrollment and its CD was kept in the archive of Nankai University .