The Nankai University Team Achieved Achievements in the National French Film Dubbing Competition


On December 8, the 9th National French Film Dubbing Contest was held in the Congress Hall of the Arabic Language Center of Beijing Foreign Studies University. The competition was hosted by the Institute of French Language and Culture of Beijing Foreign Studies University, supported by the French Embassy Cultural and Technological Cooperation Office and the French International Radio Station. The French professional teams from 16 universities from Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi'an and Dalian participated in the competition.

The One Daddy and Three Babies team consisting of Wang Haojun, Zhang Linwan, Wu Yueying and Lin Wei from the French-level non-general language major + humanities and social sciences compound talent training program participated in the finals on behalf of the French Department of Nankai University and won the third prize in the competition.

The jury of this competition had a strong lineup of 11 members, including Mr. Antoine Silva, Project Officer of the Language, Education and Sports Cooperation Office of the French Embassy in China, Mr. Samuel Morlé, Project Officer of the Library and Debate of Ideas and Cultural and Educational Cooperation Department, and Ms. Xiong Wei, the chief broadcaster of International Radio Station of China, and some foreign experts from participating universities: Ms. Iris Deporcq from Peking University, Mr. Matthieu Bertrand from Beijing Language and Culture University, Ms. Lisa Fay from  University of International Relations, Julien Guillemet from Shanghai International Studies University, and Ms. Corinne David from Capital Normal University. Mr. Loïc Le Limantour from Tianjin Normal University, Ms. Laure Corbineau from China Foreign Affairs University, and Mr. Roland Scheiff from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Dai Dongmei, Dean of the Faculty of French and Francophone of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and Pan Dan, watched the competition as special guests.

The four award-winning students are all from the Nankai University's non-general language and humanities and social sciences compound international undergraduate talent training program. The project has been implemented since 2017. It is an important measure as an innovation of Nankai University to coordinate the teaching resources, break the college and professional barriers and optimize the talent training model. The project covers ten majors, namely five non-general languages including Russian, French, German, Italian and Japanese and five humanities and social sciences including world history, international business, international politics, tourism management and Chinese international education.