The 3th Russian Theatre Festival of Nankai University Was Held


Recently, the 3th Russian Theatre Festival of Nankai University was held in the auditorium of the Teaching Building of the College of Foreign Languages.

Yan Guodong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, gave an opening speech. He talked about the fine traditions of Russian drama performance of the Russian major and encouraged the students to pass on this tradition. All grades of the Russian Department actively participated and performed a total of seven plays. The first one was the Russian classic drama The Boys brought by the 2018 undergraduate program class. Their lively performances made the audience laugh. The 2018 undergraduate class performed Chameleon, and their humorous performances fully demonstrated the profound connotation of the work. The third one is the Bun brought by the 2017 undergraduate class. The students used the doll props to perform vivid images. Between the performances, Liu Xueqing from the 2016 undergraduate class sang Russian songs and her voice carried the audience away. The 2018 undergraduate class performed In the Hypnotism Performance with narration and performance complementing each other, and the subject was thought-provoking. The 2016 undergraduate class brought the Russian version of the Chinese classic drama Thunderstorm. The actors gave a perfect performance of Sino-Russian culture with native pronunciation, profound and moving performance and proper music. The 2018 graduate class carefully performed the Chekhov Brothers. The men students dressed as women and women as men, and this wonderful idea made the audience laugh. The final one was Moscow does not believe in tears brought by the 2017 undergraduate program class. They restored the beauty of the dance and their melodious songs make the audience immerse in the wonderful artistic atmosphere.

After the judges' appraisal, the 2016 undergraduate class won the first prize, the 2017 undergraduate general class and the 2018 graduate class and the 2017 undergraduate project class won the second prize, the other classes won the third prize, and Liu Xueqing won the best actor award.  Zhao Chunmei, the deputy head of the Russian Department, and И. С. Болдонова and О. В. Виноградова, the Russian foreign teachers made a comment, fully affirming the outstanding performances of the students in this Russian drama festival.

It is reported that the 1990 Russian undergraduate class of the Department of Foreign Languages of Nankai University ever rehearsed the Russian version of the Chinese drama Thunderstorm. In this festival, the Russian foreign teacher И. С. Болдонова specifically mentioned that this drama by Mr. Cao Yu was widely known in Russia. Through the understanding of this drama, Russian readers and audiences had deepened their understanding of Chinese drama and Chinese culture, so the significance of Sino-Russian cultural exchanges was evident.