Japanese Major Students from Nankai Participated in the International Translation Competition And Achieved Good Results


Recently, in the first People's China Cup Japanese International Translation Contest held by People's China magazine to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Jiang Chaoyi, from Japanese Department in our college, won the third prize of the undergraduate group in translation from Chinese into Japanese , Zhang Yuzhuo won the third prize in translation from Japanese into Chinese of undergraduate group.

During the more than five months of the submission period, after several rounds of professional judging teams, the two students stood out among the dozens of participants in the undergraduate group and achieved excellent results.

The competition was jointly organized by Guangdong Translation Association and Guangzhou Lianpu Translation Co., Ltd., supported by the Chinese Language Teaching Research Association, the Japanese Embassy in China and the Consulate General of Guangzhou. It is divided into the translation from Japanese into Chinese and” translation from Chinese into Japanese parts with the higher vocational college group, undergraduate group, postgraduate group, and social group. Participants came from Nankai University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University and other famous multinational companies such as NEC China, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Mitsubishi Electric.