The College of Foreign Languages Welcomes the Freshmen with "All Staff Education" as Focus and Promotes the “Self-Education and Self-Study”


On September 2nd, the College of Foreign Languages welcomed 2018 undergraduate freshmen. This year, when welcoming freshmen, the college is also more in line with the needs of students' growth, and promotes the new-oriented theme of “self-education and self-study”.

All staff education: coordinate the strengths of all parties; integrate the elements of education into the whole process of welcoming freshmen

Before the freshmen entered the school, the college published the “Nankai Purple” and “Foreign Languages Orange” series of articles through the “NK College of Foreign Languages” WeChat public account, which will bring the profound history, glorious tradition, quality spirit and academic discipline construction history of Nankai, the Education reform of interdisciplinary talent training program: general enrollment and “non-general literary and humanities and social science majors” are presented to the new students. The school history, the history education and the professional education are carried out in advance through the network to stimulate the emotions of the new students to know Nankai and love Nankai, and to enhance the new students’ understanding of the college and stimulate their initiatives of foreign languages.

On the welcome scene, the welcome board of Twenty-one-Year-Old College of Foreign Languages, Numerous Outstanding People” and Teacher Representative Message attracted the attention of new students and parents. The broad of Foreign Languages: From now, Open Eyes to See the World presents the history of the struggle for the initiation, exploration, reform, and advancement of foreign language disciplines in the form of a timeline. People from College of Foreign Languages: Numerous Outstanding People spread across China and West presents spiritual qualities of the famous teachers in the collehe such as Situ Yuelan, Chen Kui, Liu Wu Ji and Li Yanye. The “Teacher Representative Message” brings together the profound hopes and warmth suggestions of the professional teachers for the 2018 freshmen.

In order to further improve the self-education and self-study of the new students and promote the tacit cooperation between the home and the school, the college held a new parent conference on the afternoon of the welcome.

Dean Yan Guodong talked about the historical evolution of the college, introduced the characteristics of the development of foreign language disciplines to meet the needs of the country, and under the background of cultivating compound and international talents, the college launched the discipline layout in the first year of enrollment, talent training system, the characteristics of student growth, encourage parents of freshmento have confidence in the growth of students.

Li Na, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice dean of the college, shared the “Nankai in my eyes” with the theme of “Facing University, how should I see it and how should I do”. We not only retain the original calmness, but also pursue to become the standard for high education with the concern of the party and the country.

Self-education and self-study: stimulating students' autonomy, implementing ideological education in the beginning of the term

Before the start of the term, the college published information covering new students' learning and life through the college’s WeChat public platform. The counselors encouraged new students to get along with each other well, which not only promoted friendly exchanges between the students, but also trained the students to solve problems independently and cultivated their abilities to quickly retrieve valid information.

On the welcome scene, inspired by the characters on the board of the new exhibition board, the 2018 freshmen of the college also sent a message to themselves. Zhang Tengyun, a freshman of foreign language and literature, sent a message fearless, open-minded and responsible to him and Dong Shang of the English Department encouraged himself to To be a Better One. 2018 freshmen of foreign language and literature looked forward that “in the prime of life, look forward the future life. I am very happy to be here in the future. In the next four years, I will meet my true self and use the rest of my life to find those ture loves.

It is reported that in the 2018 freshmen's orientation education, the college pays attention to highlighting the “all stuff education” and leads the new students to establish the concept of “self-education and self-study”. The online network, the offline exhibition board, and the history of the university and the history of college subtly influenced the students, which not only enhances the spirit of pride but also inherits the spirit. The professional teacher guide academically and morally, not only imparts knowledge but also leads character to form. The new students help each other and are closely connected, at the same time, they also highlight self-education. Through the education from all stuff, the school will shape the students' sound personality and cultivate the self-education spirit of the students, which brings a good start to every new university life.