"Being College of Foreign Languages People" Postgraduate Orientation Highlights Ideal Belief Education


At the beginning of university foundation, the old principals proposed the Nankai motto “aspiration for progress with each passing day”, which constantly inspired the Nankai people from generation to generation. Entering to the new era, “adhering to the public interest, bravely shouldering the heavy responsibility of time, and being Nankai People in the new era is President Cao Xuetao’s expectations in the new period for to the students of Nankai. The College of Foreign Languages carried out the theme education activity with the core of “ideal and faith education” to welcome the arrival of 143 2018 graduate students.

Keep in Mind the School History and College Cultivation; Dedicate to Public Interest and Do One’S Job

“Ninty-Nine-Year-Old Nankai University; aspiration for progress with each passing day; “Twenty-One-Year-Old College of Foreign Languages, Numerous Outstanding People”, Nankai University has a long and profound history, and is about to usher in her centennial celebration. Since the foundation of the disciplines in 1919, the College of Foreign Languages  has experienced exploration and reform, forming the talent training objects of “foreign language specialty, humanistic literacy, international vision, Chinese sentiment, and Nankai characteristics”. In order to enable freshmen to have a deeper understanding of the school history, the college not only launched the series of the history of the college and university in the WeChat public number before the start of the school, but also displayed the construction progress of foreign languages discipline and time of entitling degree on the welcome board, hoping that the newly enrolled graduate students can bear in mind the school history, adhere to “dedication to public interest” and establish the Nankai spirit of the patriotic and love group.

Attach Importance to Academic Integrity, Shouldering Responsibilities of Time

Inner integrity in the heart, outer integrity to others people could not live without integrity; the country could not be prosperous without integrity”. Adhere to academic integrity, abide by academic ethics, defend academic dignity are the basic responsibilities of every scientific research worker (Song Rui). At the welcome scene of the College of Foreign Languages, the exhibition boards of 8 academic research integrity education are particularly eye-catching. The exhibition board not only explains what is “research integrity” and “academic misconduct”, but also tells everyone how to correctly abide by academics in real cases. At the same time, after the new students complete the registration procedures, they also signed a letter of commitment for admission. It is hoped that the newly enrolled graduate students will be able to study rigorously, conduct scientific research honestly, dare to innovate, pursue excellence, and shoulder the burden of the times, and contribute to society with real scientific research results.

Insist on hard work, pursue progressive life

Make the best use of everyday; aspire for progress for each passing day, pursuing my bright future. As Chairman Mao said in his poems, Ten thousand years is too long, I shall cherish this day and night. Nankai students should continue to reform, keep moving forward, and always stand in the forefront of the time, face the world and move towards the future. The College of Foreign Language College Student Code of Conduct in the Welcome Materials bag regulates students' words and deeds from the perspectives of study and life, and guides students to be a Nankai person who strictly demands themselves and has a noble feeling. At the same time, 2018 Master's Program Assistant The activity system provides opportunities for new graduate students to learn from the aspects of professional academics, thought leadership, team building, employment and job hunting, hoping that students can continuously improve their skills in all aspects. Know China, serve China, pursue enterprising life.

Sun Yudan, a 2018 graduate student, said, “as a graduate student, after waiting for the longest summer vacation in my life, I finally entered the Nankai campus today. Entering the reporting venue, the layout of our college is the most eye-catching: nations’ flags, which are proof of the identity of the college, exhibition board reminding graduate students to pay attention to the academic integrity, volunteers ready to volunteer for the new students to answer questions... The report was completed in an orderly manner in a short time. I also officially became a member of the Nankai College of Foreign Languages. With the inner academic dream I look forward to welcoming the arrival of the 100-year-old Nankai with the college!

Ninty-nine-year-old Nankai is waiting for you to celebrate the hundred-year-birthday. The College of Foreign Languages, through a series of ideal and belief themes, strives to let 2018 graduate students learn about Nankai, understand Nankai, and feel Nankai, and then establish goal of building Nankai, developing Nankai, and contribute to the building of Nankai becoming a new era Nankai foreign language person with a broad mind.

It is reported that the College of Foreign Languages will also carry out a series of activities such as “Academic Integrity Education Lecture”, “Policies of Award and Support”, “Exploration of Career Planning” and “Learning Enlai Spirit Lecture” in the orientation week to help 2018 graduate students better progress and develop in Nankai.