The College of Foreign Languages held a 2018 undergraduate freshman major courses presentation


On September 3, the College of Foreign Languages held a 2018 undergraduate freshman major courses presentation and Q&A in the Seventh Teaching Building. The presentation was presided over by Vice President Wang Kai, and the leaders of various majors, teaching and research offices of the College of Foreign Languages and all the 2018 foreign language and literature major students attended the conference.

Wang Kai introduced the general situation and historical evolution of the College of Foreign Languages. He said that this year is the first year for the college of foreign language to enroll general-class students. After the new students entered the school, they need to choose different majors. Five of them who are not in the general language (Russian, Japanese, French, German, Italian) will be given opportunities to attend” Professional + Humanities and Social Sciences selection of compound talent training programs. Wang Kai gave a detailed explanation on the training project, the English unified examination and the report of professional diversion volunteers, project volunteers and other issues. The head of the teaching and research office gave a special explanation and guidance to the freshmen of the Nankai University Undergraduate Principles.

The heads of nine majors in English, Russian, Japanese, French, German, translation, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian introduced the general situation, major orientation, professional characteristics, talents training objectives, teacher strength, curriculum system, academic expansion opportunities, international exchanges, graduation destinations and other related content.

Undergraduate freshmen major course presentations and Q&A have achieved good results, and the online notices of the “Freshman Season•Nankai and major introductions published on the college’s WeChat public account, have provided useful references to help freshmen to choose a major and join project class both online and offline.