Postgraduates of the College of Foreign Languages compiled Handbook of Bilingual Learning for Politics Hot Words


Recently, under the guidance of the Party Committee of the College of Foreign Languages, the Party Branch of 2017 postgraduates has independently printed Handbook of Bilingual Learning for Politics Hot Words (hereinafter referred to as the Handbook) to serve as a learning tool for the basic-level party organizations and party members of the whole college even the whole university.

“This event has given us a better understanding of the key content of the 19th National Congress. In the process of translation, I did not just memorize the content but unearthed the deeper meanings, thereby deepening my understanding of the report of the 19th National Congress.”Yang Lei, a member of the branch, wrote in the book's postscript. Lu Xiangsong, from the English Interpretation major, said , “In learning and translating, we understand that 'Chinglish' does not necessarily mean errors, and sometimes are a kind of representation of Chinese characteristics... We must have a theory confident and culture confident as foreign language learner and workers.”

The Handbook is completed through the joint efforts of 25 party members of the branch and consisted of three parts: the hot words in the report of the 19th Party Congress, 100 words about Chinese traditional culture and the postscript. The members first learned the Chinese version of the report, conducted a trial translation , and then learn the English version to proofread and compile 606 words in the form of Chinese-English version.

The Handbook not only combines the needs of postgraduates with their major features but combines their theoretical learning with professional practice. It leads students to effectively grasp the wisdom of China through professional translation and analysis of the meaning and connotation of each word and phrase so that they can spread Chinese culture with a higher culture confidence and shoulder the mission of the young people in advancing the revival of Chinese civilization.