Alumni of 1983 of the College of Foreign Languages Donating to Establish“Young Seedling Scholarship”


In order to help the growth of Chinese talents and motivate students to study hard, innovate, help others and to forge ahead in their careers as well as contribute to the society, 28 alumni from the College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University, jointly donated to establish the “ Young Seedling scholarship of CFL with the starting fund of 130,950 yuan after they have graduated for 30 years to express their gratitude to their alma mater.

According to the agreement, the scholarship is mainly used for living allowances, subsidy for international exZhanges and relief for family accidents for the full-time undergraduate students of CFL. And with innovative and cooperative spirits, the students who have difficulties in the family but have a strong willingness to learn can apply for the scholarship. The specific amount of moeny and the number of students for the scholarship are determined by the college according to actual situation.

Talking about the name of the scholarship, the donators of said that when the alumni of 1983 were learning and living in the Nankai campus, they had been like “young seedlings” when they. Now they have taken root in varied places of motherland, and have grown into lush trees, but they never forget cultivation of college and university. The alumni hope that with their own modest strength, they will leave some positive and mutual-loving material and spirit that could be passed on and they could spread some sunshine for the “young seedlings “so that they can thrive and grow up and continue to pass this great love.

The establishment of young seedlings scholarship embodies the quality of the selfless and knowing to gratitude. Alumni representative Yang Lu, an alumnus of 1983, said that the “young seedlings” is a gift from alumni of 1983  in College of Foreign Languages who had been graduated for 30 years. It aims to help students facing difficulties to overcome them and complete their studies smoothly, and provide help for their growth. After the sponsored students graduate, the alumni are willing to give full play to theirs strength and use the platform and resources of the Alumni Association to promote the future development of the recipients.

Dean Yan Guodong expressed deep gratitude to the alumni on behalf of the college. He said that the scholarship itself is a young seedlings, and its growth cannot be separated from the continued watering and care of alumni of college. Only with the support of more alumni, can it grow rapidly and be full of vitality and accelerate the pace of building“first-rate disciplines” in College of Foreign Languages in the process of “double first class”of Nankai University. At the same time, the college will further establish a multi-level communication platform among alumni, stimulate the alumni's enthusiasm to participate in the college's construction, and actively perform a full range of alumni work.